Example sentences of "had [been] prompt by " in BNC.

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1 In his TV statement as dawn broke over Washington , the President maintained that the invasion had been prompted by the weekend of harassment of US soldiers in Panama City .
2 The discriminatory policies of Poland , which had been prompted by Germany 's boycott of Polish coal in 1925 , had by this time developed into a fully-fledged trade war , and this , combined with the effects of the new port at Gdynia , the increasing Jewish population , the irritating presence of Danzig Poles and the continual clucking of the League of Nations , all helped to shift the political perceptions of the local population towards simplistic , populist , nationalist and ultimately racist solutions — namely those offered by the Nazi Party .
3 Airtours also denied that its decision to review tariffs had been prompted by Thomson .
4 Work on this aircraft had been prompted by the success earlier of an experimental lightweight hull used in a converted Supermarine Southampton known as the A.14 .
5 The Hussar Captain 's anger had been prompted by the French refusal to fight him .
6 But in her heart she knew there was no way in the world she would ever take up this incredible offer , which had been prompted by motives she could not even begin to fathom .
7 That he could let her go so easily was the final damning proof that his interest in her had been prompted by solely mercenary considerations .
8 A debate on the issue had been prompted by strikes by teachers and students in higher education , calling for greater democracy and improved working conditions .
9 The demands for an inquiry had been prompted by the testimony of soldiers and officers facing disciplinary action for breaking the bones of Arab demonstrators .
10 Although the G-7 final communiqué made only a passing reference to " developments in the Soviet Union " , it was understood that a decision to shelve the issue of Soviet participation in the IMF and World Bank [ see p. 37730 ] had been prompted by widespread condemnation of recent Soviet attacks on nationalists in Latvia and Lithuania [ see pp. 37944-45 ] .
11 Prime Minister Valentin Pavlov on Feb. 12 made the astonishing announcement that January 's sudden withdrawal of Rbs50 and Rbs100 banknotes had been prompted by the discovery of a Western plot to flood the Soviet economy with billions of roubles to create artificial hyper-inflation .
12 The court adjourned the case on Oct. 19 , 1990 , on the grounds that the charge of complicity in genocide could not be substantiated , after 40 witnesses had been examined who all stressed that Vlad 's position of formal approval of Ceausescu 's orders had been prompted by fear .
13 Reports also suggested that the call for fresh talks had been prompted by disagreements , first reported on June 24 , between Barzani and Talabani over Barzani 's reported acceptance of an autonomy deal involving the suspension of Kurdish requests for continued Western assistance .
14 Saudi Arabia 's stance on OPEC 's pricing policy had reportedly been strengthened by support from Iran which , in turn , had been prompted by the recent improvement in relations between the two countries [ see pp. 38119 ; 38166 ; 38309 ] .
15 Reports indicated that the arrival of the Soviet delegation had been prompted by an urgent message , conveyed on July 6 , from Bush to Gorbachev asking the Soviet President to " energize " Soviet arms negotiators in order to clear the way for an early summit .
16 Claiming that the decision had been prompted by popular demand , Kuwait 's ambassador to the USA , Shaikh Saud Nasir al Sabah , said in an interview with the Washington Post that only 50,000 to 60,000 out of an estimated 380,000 Palestinians living in Kuwait were working .
17 According to the Far Eastern Economic Review of Aug. 22 , Le Duc Anh 's visit had been prompted by an unexpected invitation from China for Vietnam to send an envoy to report on the results of the CPV 's seventh congress .
18 A report in the Middle East International of Aug. 16 suggested that the publication of the Declaration before final agreement on its details had been prompted by Egypt 's growing alienation from its Arab partners .
19 In their final declaration ministers said that the radical nature of the cuts had been prompted by the " decisive steps towards democracy and freedom in the Soviet Union " and the " constructive Soviet response " to recent US arms control initiatives [ see pp. 38457 ; 38553 ] .
20 Other reports indicated that the proposed law had been prompted by fears that recent events in Algeria would encourage Islamist parties , who won one-third of the seats in parliamentary elections held in November 1989 [ see pp. 37052-53 ] , to mount an extra-parliamentary challenge .
21 Reports indicated , however , that the decision to convene the latest meeting , which followed talks in Tehran between SAIRI and the Iraqi National Congress ( INC — sponsor of the Vienna conference ) , had been prompted by SAIRI 's growing concern over the INC 's high profile among Western governments .
22 Internal Affairs Minister Ziedonis Cevers and Foreign Affairs Minister Janis Jurkans also came under particular attack from the Satversme faction , and on Oct. 27 Jurkans resigned , saying that he had been prompted by his narrow survival of the vote of no confidence ( with a tied vote of 51 for and against ) .
23 The UK company Vickers , makers of the British Challenger tank which had hoped to secure the contract , said afterwards that Kuwait 's decision had been prompted by pressure from the US government .
24 Their participation , approved in June [ see p. 38987 ] , had been prompted by Western concern to enlist co-operation in preventing sensitive technology reaching countries regarded as a threat to global security .
25 Pakistani officials denied reports that these talks had been prompted by Japan 's recent policy of linking development assistance to nuclear and arms-related issues .
26 The performance of the homes sits in the Orlando area - Davenport Glen and Chatham Park — exceeded our expectations , whilst Monterey in Dade County produced a range of homes which appealed very strongly to local residents including some whose motivation to purchase had been prompted by the hurricane while swept through southern Florida last year .
27 He denied that his departure had been prompted by disagreements with other senior staff .
28 Along the corridor , the so-called ‘ central belt activists ’ and loyal guards of the legacy of the former Govan MP , Jim Sillars , were angrily reviewing the outcome of the 3-hour meeting , which had been prompted by a motion expressing full confidence in the SNP MPs being passed by 13 to 11 votes with two abstentions .
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