Example sentences of "had [been] send to " in BNC.

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1 Affidavits from the defendants ' solicitors established that the photocopy affidavit was supplied to them by the second defendant for the purposes of seeking legal advice in circumstances where litigation was contemplated , but did not indicate whether the photocopy sent was a photocopy which the second defendant made for the purpose of instructing his solicitors or a photocopy which had been sent to the second defendant by the employee himself , prepared for the employee 's own purposes which had nothing whatever to do with the defendants obtaining legal advice from their soliticors .
2 Pearce v Foster indicated why it was that if the original affidavit or a copy made by the employee had been sent to the solicitors , that would not have been privileged from disclosure by the first and second defendants , although sent to the solicitors for the purpose of advising them on their position against the employee .
3 Sinn Fein said 49 such photographs had been sent to its office in Monaghan in the Irish Republic .
4 Sinn Fein said a further 49 photographs had been sent to its office in Monaghan in the Irish Republic .
5 After the catalogue had been sent to the printer , Sotheby 's asked the Oxford Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art to try thermoluminescent dating on two pieces .
6 With forty picked men he was given special powers ; 228 wagons were needed , but only thirty had been sent to Siberia .
7 Both the latter films were made by Walter Booth for Charles Urban , an American who had been sent to Britain in order to look after Edison 's interests , then set up on his own as a distributor and exporter of French and American films .
8 Mr Dale Campbell-Savours , Labour MP for Workington , claims that the leak inquiry , which followed publication of parts of the report in a special edition of the Observer , discovered that copy 26 had been sent to the paper 's owners , Lonrho .
9 President George Bush said yesterday that a special US anti-terrorist team had been sent to El Salvador on Tuesday but had not been involved in ending the siege .
10 His trained pet poodle who had been sent to Europe to reconnoitre the scene and steal Mark 's clothes .
11 St Paul had been sent to Rome a prisoner , and suffered eventual execution .
12 When I got there I discovered that I had been sent to the schizophrenic ward .
13 The finders of this bombshell were two Justice Department officials , Brad Reynolds and John Richardson , who had been sent to North 's office to look through papers relating to the shipments to Iran .
14 The local Garda had been sent to Ashford Castle to protect Reagan , and they did n't get on with the CIA at all .
15 Well , I have practised yoga for many years , but then I met a Jesuit priest who had been sent to the Far East by the Catholic Church to experience the Buddhist way and see how it might relate to Catholic worship .
16 At an informal level , they had not wholly lacked it before ; £3000 had been sent to them in August 1559 , and in January the English Admiral Winter had appeared in the forth , officially searching for pirates but actually cutting the French troops ' line of communication between their strongholds in Fife and Leith .
17 The jews in the countryside had been rounded up , with the active and sometimes enthusiastic support of the Hungarian authorities , and most had been sent to Auschwitz .
18 He had been sent to the school when a small child and had not heard from them since .
19 There was no home leave from overseas and , as far as I knew , few individuals or units of the Eighth Army had returned to Britain , for most had been sent to Sicily and thence to the toe and heel of Italy , or to Salerno , and by this time were fighting hard up the Italian peninsula on one or other side of the Appennines .
20 He had been sent to Belpan by Colonel Smith as bait for gun-runners .
21 It had been sent to an isolated kibbutz with food but the Arabs stopped it and killed forty-seven Jews .
22 Boy loved this letter not only because the man it had been sent to shared his new name , but because it was addressed by an older man to a lovelier , younger one .
23 Walter , the youngest boy , had the most distant relationship with his father ; he and Robert had been sent to boarding school and had seen even less of John than their sisters .
24 David , son of King Robert I and heir to the throne , had been sent to France by the English King Edward III .
25 Nearly all the boys had started life in rural Germany but , to escape anti-Semitism , had been sent to Philanthropia , a Jewish school in Frankfurt .
26 With two daughters of her own , Greta expanded her family by taking in the son of a German socialist who had been sent to a concentration camp , and a Viennese boy who adopted her name by deed poll .
27 He would have had to herd with less congenial characters than gamblers if he had been sent to The Fleet or the Marshalsea .
28 A few days later , Grace McNeil , who had just lost a much-loved Rough Collie and had been sent to us by her vet , came and took the young male , Robbie .
29 Eventually she had been sent to a psychiatrist to see if he could help discover the reason for what appeared to be a purely psychosomatic condition .
30 And he always seemed to be campaigning vigorously and futilely for some boy or other who had been sent to borstal for a criminal offence .
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