Example sentences of "had [to-vb] [pron] head " in BNC.

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1 Wearing the collar , Aunt Margaret had to carry her head high and haughty as the Queen of Assyria , but above it her eyes were anxious and sad and not proud at all .
2 But she had to shake her head to clear it of the dizzy sensation .
3 They meandered along under the old overhanging house fronts and Jack had to duck his head to avoid cracking it on a lamp in an iron cage .
4 All she could see of him from this angle was that he was a very large man , broad as well as tall — so tall that he had to bend his head over his task .
5 After passing beneath several narrow bridges , some wooden , some stone , under which Michele had to bend his head , they stopped at the intersection of two canals .
6 You only had to press his head
7 ‘ No doubt , ’ he suggested , in a voice so soft that she had to tilt her head to catch the words , ‘ no doubt , ’ he went on , ‘ you can disengage with equal speed ?
8 Luke moved round the table and came closer , so that she had to tilt her head to look up into his face , and that — and only that ! — increased the whirling inside her head .
9 He moved slightly away , and she had to lift her head .
10 He was so tall he had to incline his head to avoid hitting the beams , and his nearness made her tremble .
11 When Oscar pressed the switch half way a lamp like a huge searchlight came on , so strong Horowitz had to dip his head .
12 And it was rough going , and I had to watch my head and I had to watch where I was putting my feet .
13 It took all the courage he had to thrust his head and shoulders into the mouth of that entrance , but he closed his eyes and twisted and turned and after a time tumbled out into a great stone chamber , lit with a soft light of its own that dimmed the glitter of his shining key .
14 Her left field of vision was impaired ( technically hemianopia ) , so that she had to turn her head and use her right eye in order to see anything even slightly to the left of her .
15 Though when she had to turn her head to look at him again , she saw that if he was feeling surprised he was n't showing it .
16 They said that , in the narrow passageway , a corridor whose opposite walls I can touch comfortably with two hands , I had picked up an aluminium chair , ripped it in half , swung it around and hit a policeman with it so hard that he had to shield his head .
17 His skin felt scorched enough as it was , although he had to admit his head felt clearer .
18 Having got to within two of his fifty he slightly misjudged the next short one from Thommo , and had to jerk his head rapidly out of the line of the ball .
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