Example sentences of "had [adv] ordered the " in BNC.

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1 The fighting had started after Gen. Aoun had effectively ordered the LF to disband , declaring that no-one was permitted to bear arms or carry a military identity card except for Army soldiers .
2 The commission concluded that the army 's Chief of Staff had personally ordered the raid , in which three women were raped and many students were severely beaten , and had recommended that action be taken against him .
3 The newspaper claimed that China 's paramount leader Deng Xiaoping had personally ordered the changes after he discovered that Yang Baibing had convened a secret and unauthorized meeting of high-ranking military personnel prior to the congress .
4 Shevardnadze condemned the incident but Russian army officials accused Georgia of pursuing a deliberate anti-Russian policy after the then Georgian Defence Minister Tengiz Kitovani announced that he had personally ordered the seizure .
5 By that time , however , the President had already ordered the anti-terrorist Delta Force based at Fort Bragg on full alert , amid clear hints of full-scale US military intervention .
6 If I had specially ordered the moment , it could n't have been more to my liking .
7 On May 15 the Greek parliament voted by 117 to 24 that the criminal charges against the former Prime Minister Andreas Papandreou , the latest of which had concerned allegations that as Prime Minister Papandreou had illegally ordered the phones of political enemies to be bugged , should be dropped .
8 Voice of Ethiopia radio , broadcasting from Addis Abada on Sept. 25 , stated that on that day the government had granted an amnesty to 120 political prisoners in Asmara ; it had recently ordered the release of 500 prisoners in Eritrea .
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