Example sentences of "had [be] born [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For Ruth had been married to Connor 's brother Sean , and her first child — a fine boy called Danny — had been born four years ago .
2 Our fourth child had been born 10 years previously and I do n't expect anyone believed there would be any more , but my wife and I thought we were getting too old too quickly , so we would have another two ; and on November 5 that year my wife went down to the bonfire which was already alight and saw on top of it a dropside cot she had been keeping , and which had served the four children , a relatively new carricot , and other items of that sort .
3 My second husband had been born 6,000 miles away , but at his funeral service the coffin lay but a few feet from the church war memorial tablet bearing Leslie 's name .
4 But he did miss it ; he thought he had been born homesick ; he certainly thought he had spent most of his life waiting and longing and aching for the Bright Palace where his mother 's people had quarrelled and laughed and made love and war , and where the charming ruthless Wolfkings had woven Ireland 's history .
5 ‘ I consider that in enacting the Damages ( Scotland ) Act , parliament did not consider that it was making any change to the right of parents to sue for damages for the death of a child who had sustained injuries prior to birth , had been born alive and had subsequently died in consequence of these pre-natal injuries . ’
6 No. 30 Mouncy Street was his first stop because he knew already from his own observation that here lived a truly old inhabitant ; Mary Adelaide Flock , who had been born twenty years before Queen Victoria died and did not count herself old yet .
7 Long ago , the legend said , the security ( or spy-catching ) service and the espionage ( or spy-hiring ) service had been born next door to each other in rooms 5 and 6 of the corridor where Military Intelligence first nested in Whitehall .
8 If B. Hunslett had been born 50 years ago , he would have been an ideal candidate for the Hitler Youth Movement .
9 She had been born blind and her disability had enriched rather than restricted her life .
10 Among people in their fifties there is a marked sense that , " if only I had been born 20 years later I could have had a better time ! "
11 She had been born ten years ago .
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