Example sentences of "had [be] doing [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I went reinforced too by all I had been doing for myself and with the knowledge that I felt better than I had felt for some time and that that growth towards well being appeared to be increasing with each day .
2 That was just what I had been doing for the past four months innocent of impending restrictions .
3 It was in that frame of mind that I moved into the Olympic year indoor season , saying , as I had been doing for a long time , ‘ In ‘ 88 , I 'll graduate ! ’
4 He really did n't think the Revolution was anything more than a few peasants kicking up a fuss , like they had been doing for hundreds of years .
5 The reason for his pleasure , as well as for the handkerchief 's greyness , was that he had washed it himself … and really he had done just as good a job as the dhobi had been doing for the most extravagant prices .
6 Dreams of Comfort and Anthony and David mixed with memories of the war and became tangled up with the figures on the painted ceiling above her bed and the work she had been doing for Kesselring 's trial .
7 Luckily the washing machine coped as adequately with Ruth 's clothes as it had been doing for the past six years .
8 Lukic looked a lot better by the end of the night , plucking out a few high balls as happily as Seaman had been doing for Arse all night .
9 England was finally forced to look at what the rest of the world had been doing with the game .
10 The one thing he did n't ask , for which I was grateful , was what Salome had been doing with Alec Reynolds at midnight on a Saturday down in darkest Kent .
11 Later she wondered what Brian had been doing on the towpath , forgetting that his favourite restaurant commanded a view of the canal .
12 He concluded by referring to some work he had been doing on Tennyson .
13 Listening to them , Folly realised that she had never got around to asking Luke what he had been doing at Lexy 's flat the night before .
14 On the other hand no one else did the work I had been doing over the past year .
15 ‘ When the police told me everything I had been doing over the last month it totally freaked me out . ’
16 Truth had had to go by the board in the work he had been doing during the war and there seemed no point in insisting on using it again .
17 He did n't know what they had been doing to him , but whatever it was he did n't like it , and he was going to let them know it in the only way he knew — by making as loud a noise as he could !
18 Of which she had been doing as Liz left the car .
19 She knew that he had been doing without luncheon , and now he could afford some .
20 Rather desperately , Celia steered the conversation round to her and Brian 's new house in the country , how Alison and Geoffrey must come and stay , that they would be less than fifty miles apart ; while Alison , obviously thankful to turn to less delicate matters , regaled her with a description of all she had been doing in her garden and some rather dull anecdotes about the neighbours whom Celia and Brian had met on their last visit .
21 He argued that Dorset should continue to record unmet need as it had been doing in a pilot project , although the decision is so politically sensitive that it has to be given clearance by the politicians at their June committee meeting .
22 I thought that this was a painting I should n't discuss with Lili , but only when I had walked to the end of the gallery to look at an innocuous picture of a group of long-haired sheep did I ask myself what Robert had been doing in Marie Claire 's bedroom .
23 A few miles later , Rogers asked what Gabriel had been doing in the church .
24 FitzAlan would only snap at her anyway , as he had been doing from the minute they had risen in the half-light of a chilly grey dawn .
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