Example sentences of "his hon. [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 At that time the Hon. Gentleman expressed the hope that between then and Report his Hon. Friend the Minister would look into the matter , talk to his right Hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State and decide that it was more logical to have one body looking after all transport issues in Scotland .
2 I hope that the Minister will make clear what happened to the idea of his Hon. Friend the Member for Dumfries ( Sir H. Monro ) about extending the remit of the Scottish transport users consultative committee to include buses .
3 At the same time as his hon. Friend the Member for Monklands , West ( Mr. Clarke ) is saying that pay beds are to be driven from the health service and given to private companies , Lord Ennals has taken a leading position as a director of a private healthcare company — while remaining a Front-Bench spokesman on health for the Labour party .
4 May I draw the attention of the Secretary of State to the report in The Irish Times yesterday week about the recent meeting of the British-Irish parliamentary group in Dublin , and the contribution of his hon. Friend the Member for Lancashire , West ( Mr. Hind ) about the security situation in proximity to the border ?
5 The hon. Gentleman is making the same point that his hon. Friend the Member for Sunderland , South ( Mr. Mullin ) made .
6 The first part of the question that was asked by the hon. Member for Esher ( Mr. Taylor ) was in order , but the second part was out of order , as was the second part of the question asked by his hon. Friend the Member for Colne Valley ( Mr. Riddick ) .
7 I do not see how either the hon. Gentleman or his hon. Friend the Member for Langbaurgh ( Dr. Kumar ) can describe the £3.8 million allocation for Cleveland as ’ no money ’ .
8 If the Minister holds meetings on the poultry industry , why does not his hon. Friend the Member for Penrith and The Border ( Mr. Maclean ) , the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture , Fisheries and Food , agree to meet me to discuss the case of my constituent Mr. Johnston , a duck producer from Sharnidubs , who has been shabbily treated by the Ministry ?
9 I advise him not to embarrass his hon. Friend the Member for Livingston ( Mr. Cook ) in that way .
10 Will my hon. Friend — with his hon. Friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State , with whom I have corresponded on the matter — undertake to consider further how a housing association might help with the difficult and complex problem faced by owner-occupiers in Galmington in Taunton , whose homes were built in a non-traditional manner just after the war and who can not now sell those homes ?
11 His hon. Friend the Member for Newham , North-East ( Mr. Banks ) is one of those Members of Parliament who have contributed regularly to college courses , and I am delighted that he has done so .
12 Does he accept that many of the constituents of his hon. Friend the Member for Ipswich ( Mr. Irvine ) face losing their houses if they do not receive the full pension ?
13 I refer the hon. Gentleman to his hon. Friend the Member for Derby , South ( Mrs. Beckett ) who , if I have understood her words , made it clear that she did not think that it was a very good idea for people below the lower earnings limit to pay small amounts of national insurance .
14 Let me tell the right hon. Gentleman what was the test for our new health service reforms set by his hon. Friend the Member for Livingston ( Mr. Cook ) .
15 A moment ago , the Home Secretary said that every applicant for asylum would have the right to go to an appeal tribunal , and his hon. Friend the Member for Lancaster ( Dame E. Kellett-Bowman ) rightly picked him up on the point .
16 I am not sure what the hon. Member for Worsley ( Mr. Lewis ) is trying to say , but although I made an offer to his hon. Friend the Member for Alyn and Deeside , the hon. Gentleman did not come to see me .
17 His hon. Friend the Member for Edinburgh , Central ( Mr. Darling ) has not attempted to get into this murky area .
18 Let me try to explain to the hon. Gentleman and his hon. Friend the Member for Oldham , West that we were faced with an undoubted campaign to swamp the arrangements for deciding such cases .
19 The hon. Gentleman and his hon. Friend the Member for West Bromwich , East ( Mr. Snape ) suggested that , because this is the only Bill on the table , we should settle for it or we will not get anything .
20 I give the hon. Gentleman the benefit of the doubt and assume that he did not hear what I said , not once but twice , perhaps because of the noise coming from his hon. Friend the Member for Carrick , Cumnock and Doon Valley ( Mr. Foulkes ) , seated beside him , who referred to 236 admissions .
21 Is the Secretary of State aware that , by the admission of his hon. Friend the Minister responsible for Scottish industry , the Paisley postcode area lost 76 per cent .
22 Earlier this year , his hon. Friend the Member for Strathkelvin and Bearsden ( Mr. Galbraith ) called for a £500 million increase in the health budget .
23 When I read Coal News after our last coal debate , it appeared as though the only people to speak on behalf of the mining industry were the hon. Member for Sherwood and his hon. Friend the Member for Nottingham , South ( Mr. Brandon-Bravo ) .
24 Surely it is right that the House should be able to question the shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer about his apparent differences of opinion with his hon. Friend the Member for Derby , South ( Mrs. Beckett ) .
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