Example sentences of "his eyes were [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Presently she could see him again ; his head was erect , but his eyes were cast down so that she could only see the dark .
2 She glared up , aware of the slight change in his tone , and saw that his eyes were scouring hers with a strange kind of intensity .
3 The man 's face had turned black , his eyes were bulging , and at last he crashed to the ground , with such force that he almost shook Fleury off … but Fleury remained dragging on the violin until he was certain the sepoy was dead .
4 His eyes were bulging out of his head , and if he could have easily sprung from the chair , he might have locked his hands round the younger man 's throat .
5 As he spoke his eyes were darting around and between the trees , seeking their own answer .
6 He did n't seem to hear ; his eyes were darting about , looking anxiously around .
7 She was there at the departmental conference and he included her in the general nod and smile as he entered the executive producer 's office , but his eyes were guarded , and not just on her account .
8 Then he saw her , at the same time his mind registering the music , and his eyes were guarded .
9 For a second Lord Lovat said nothing and his eyes were veiled .
10 His eyes were fixed on the forms which he was signing and stamping as fast as he could go .
11 His eyes were fixed on someone or something at the room 's edge and Lucille , turning to see what had caught his astonished attention , saw the golden girl returning d'Alembord 's gaze with what seemed to be pure poison .
12 His eyes were fixed , like someone watching a flow of water across a weir .
13 His eyes were fixed on the hint of plumpness under the girl 's armpit .
14 His eyes were fixed on one of the pictures of the past Baskervilles on the wall .
15 His eyes were fixed on the place where the path disappeared into the fog .
16 I looked away from him to see what his eyes were fixed on .
17 His eyes were fixed on her with such intensity that she felt as if that dark brown gaze were burning her skin .
18 Roylott was sitting on a chair , and his eyes were fixed on the air-vent .
19 His eyes were fixed remotely on the horizon .
20 She expected some fury but none was forthcoming and she glanced across at him to find his eyes were fixed on the mountains , his face sombre .
21 His eyes were fixed on Thorfinn .
22 He was n't looking at me as he spoke , his eyes were fixed on the tatty door of the Mimosa .
23 She glanced at Guido and saw that his eyes were fixed on Silvia , who was following behind Jeff as they made their way down the landing plank .
24 Nuadu could see that his eyes were distended with fright now , but he stared back at his captor , unflinchingly .
25 His eyes were glinting as he thought about the revenge he could have on the Islington people .
26 But his eyes were glinting , as if he was looking at something no mere human could see .
27 His eyes were piercing , bright as two pieces of jet , missing not a single thing as they moved inch by slow inch over her face .
28 His eyes were watering as he started it , and he looked away from me again , towards the deserted white tables around us .
29 His eyes were lost in the fire .
30 Guillamon stepped out of the Manse ; he was grey and brittle in the cold but his eyes were flashing brighter than the hard sky .
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