Example sentences of "his arm and [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are ! ’ repeated Mr Rochester , taking me in his arms and kissing me .
2 Please do n't … ’ he murmured , holding her tightly in his arms and kissing away her tears .
3 ‘ Hush , honey , hush , I hate it too , ’ he murmured , enfolding her in his arms and stroking her sopping hair .
4 There is a tragic buffoon with bald pate and flowing hair ; a short , bespectacled man entering a grey and paunchy middle age ; and Gallotta himself , who patters manically around the stage , fixing the dancers with an unfocused glare , while waving his arms and muttering instructions down a microphone .
5 Anything that feels this good has to be right … ’ he said softly , lifting her into his arms and elbowing his way into his bedroom .
6 Kalchu followed behind , raising his arms and whistling at the stragglers .
7 ‘ Spreading out his arms and pretending to be an aeroplane , flying low , machine-gunning .
8 There is a familiar roaring noise as Howard is crossing the lobby of the Connaught , and there is this compelling figure bearing down upon him , pinioning his arms and searching his face with eager recognition .
9 Now though she stifled that feeling and gave herself up to the joy of being in his arms and hearing how long and how deeply he had loved her .
10 He scooped her up into his arms and holding her tightly , rubbed his face into her soft , sweet-smelling hair .
11 Paul was a distant puppet , jerking and leaping and throwing back his arms and whacking the bomb repeatedly on the side .
12 He bent his head and kissed her , his mouth urgent and seeking , before swinging her up into his arms and carrying her through the curtains .
13 He swore softly , colourfully , his face like granite as he swept a gaze round the room before lifting her into his arms and carrying her from the house .
14 Her small , incoherent moan caused him to clasp her tightly against his body for a moment , before lifting her damp figure up in his arms and carrying her back through into the bedroom .
15 ‘ Starting right now , this minute … ’ he murmured softly , brushing her lips delicately with his mouth , before quickly sweeping her lightly gowned figure up in his arms and carrying her towards the door .
16 ‘ I can vouch for that , ’ his henchman said , folding his arms and placing his legs astride like the Colossus of Rhodes .
17 Dr Gysi made his attempt at power before 2,700 demoralised party delegates at this weekend 's emergency congress as if delivering an impassioned plea in court , throwing up his arms and heaving his shoulders as he made a point .
18 ‘ It is greener and cooler and a thousand times more beautiful and you will see it all for yourself one day , ’ he told her , gathering her into his arms and teasing her lips with his own .
19 Mafouz 's father was cradling the boy in his arms and saying , in a deep voice , ‘ Speak to me , Anwar !
20 But when he tossed the beef into the sizzling oil , it somehow exploded out of the pot ‘ like a canister of napalm ’ , splashing over his arms and starting a kitchen fire , which Dustin promptly and stupidly tried to put out with his hands .
21 On one of them the poor little creature sat nursing his arm and looking very sorry for himself .
22 Dana ran after him , catching his arm and bringing him to a standstill .
23 Do something before it goes ! ’ she cried , catching his arm and trying to shake him into action .
24 Now he lay exhausted , angry and restless in a vast bed , jogging his arm and pulling at the drip which a nurse kept watching and adjusting .
25 " But I mind , I mind very much ! " he snapped , and walked with quick , short steps back to Fernando , taking his arm and leading him off into the crowd .
26 ‘ Thanks , I can look after myself ! ’ she pointed out calmly , twisting away from his arm and turning a faint apologetic smile on the watchful Anneliese .
27 ‘ Come to find me ? ’ she repeated , reaching down to grip his arm and heaving him to his feet .
28 ‘ Your father 's had a stroke , ’ I said , taking his arm and hurrying him along , home .
29 ‘ Of course you can , ’ she said , taking his arm and walking him towards the bay window , but she kept one eye on the painting in case they were tempted .
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