Example sentences of "his friend [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As he and Du Camp tramped along , he would introduce his friend to the trees and the bushes with mock gravity : ‘ May I present the young phenomenon ? ’
2 The other two were The Citadel ( 1938 ) , from A. J. Cronin 's novel about a once-idealistic doctor who becomes a cynical practitioner to the upper classes until the death of his friend on the operating table leads to a revival of his old principles , and Goodbye Mr Chips ( 1939 ) , a hymn to the glories of the English public school .
3 The Italian sat close to his friend on the front row of the plastic-coated seats , and studied every two , three , minutes the T.V. monitor that would announce the next flight out .
4 He even sought to excuse his friend on the grounds of his poverty .
5 Fred was thin , Arthur very fat , and Fred 's head made a pecking movement over the bulk of his friend with the effort of bearing the load .
6 ‘ You 're a genius , ’ said Charlie , after the colonel had presented his friend with the silver cup .
7 Franz Busacher glanced at Willi and tried , for one last time , to prepare his friend for the shattering of an illusion .
8 though luckily his friend across the road
9 Tommy broke away from the group to join his friend at the bar .
10 Billy resignedly followed his friend up the gently rising slope of the car park situated on the left hand side of the building .
11 During their ‘ strange relationship ’ , Bryan had shot his friend in the chest with a crossbow , hit him on the head with a medieval mace and slashed at him with a sword , the judge heard .
12 L. Second Violin : Alexander and his friend in the train .
13 Beales 's story was that he met his friend in the pub just after 1 p.m .
14 Looking behind him , Robert saw that he was signalling to his friend from the Frog and Ferret , who was crouched in the long grass .
15 He slipped the boy two large boiled sweets and turned to his friends across the table .
16 His friends on the Union committee thought that what happened was best accounted for if he saw a vision of his dead mother in the gallery watching him speak .
17 He is answered by Joseph who proudly unzips a handsomely bound , black leather , loose-leaf portfolio featuring photos ( taken by his friends on the scheme and selected , developed and printed by Joseph ) , text and cartoons all illustrating Joseph working , playing and learning .
18 It also became clear why he 'd wanted to make love to her ; to make her believe he cared , because if she cared for him who better to persuade the colonel to tell his friends on the council to let the plans go through ?
19 ‘ To persuade the colonel to ask his friends on the council to lift planning restrictions ! ’
20 This year , as well as his old regulars , the Hoflins , Busacher , and old Anton , the répétiteur from Vienna , he had invited his friends on the theatre committee who had assisted so nobly in quelling the Gesner revolt , and Luiza , Freddi and Alfred , who came nearly every year but not so often they took it for granted .
21 Sheldon himself never lied to his friends about the mummy and we have to be grateful to Faujas Saint-Fond for the following account written shortly after a visit he had made on Sheldon : ‘ It is [ said Sheldon ] a mistress whom I tenderly loved .
22 On the wedding day , he was holding his head and nudging his friends about the wild stag night they 'd enjoyed .
23 He was aching to tell his friends about the Gooseneck episode , but since it was of human rather than police significance he did n't feel entitled to waste their time during a busy day .
24 A request which Sir Ludovick Grant of Grant received from one of his friends for the removal of a revenue officer to another port stated the case quite frankly :
25 João went off hunting in the Alentejo with his friends for the last three days before the wedding , so Sara had little opportunity to get to know him better .
26 Wickham recognized the type : willing enough to help but he must be allowed to go back to his friends with the news that his information was so valuable he had been allowed to talk to the man heading the inquiry , and if he could throw in a description of a place as exciting as a newspaper office so much to his credit .
27 ‘ Days of deluge ’ he said , ‘ offered at least the consolation of eventual dry clothes ’ in which the walker could boast to his friends of the glories of his rambles round the fireside .
28 We are still some way from forming a just estimate of the influence exercised by Curtis and his friends of the Round Table on the imperial policy of the British government .
29 Coleridge introduced his friends to the steep woodland track leading from Porlock Weir to Culbone , and together they walked on for four miles beneath the trees , before emerging close to Broomstreet Farm and Yenworthy .
30 ( 12 ) Mike wants to invite his friends to the talk .
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