Example sentences of "as [pers pn] returned to " in BNC.

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1 Important items of equipment have mysteriously gone missing : a headtorch , which was on my head as I returned to the car at the end of a Wasdale winter expedition but was nowhere to be found when I arrived back home ; or the key , map and information to a hut in Wales for which my club had recently gained reciprocal rights — all three items vanished between locking up the hut on our departure and arriving back home in South Cumbria .
2 I did lose weight but found that the weight returned as soon as I returned to my normal diet .
3 Granpa clapped so loud as I returned to my place that some of the mums looked round and smiled , which made the old fellow even more determined to see that I stayed on at school until I was fourteen .
4 ‘ You did n't want to risk meeting one of the servants in the hall as you returned to your room , yes ? ’
5 The 41-year-old mother realised she was being followed by two men as she returned to a multi-storey car park after a lunchtime trip to a supermarket in Fareham , Hants .
6 She had not expected to see him so soon , as she returned to the dining rooms .
7 Faye gave a satisfied , rather cryptic smile that Belinda pondered as she returned to her room to take refuge in more familiar clothing .
8 A quick glance showed that towels were needed , so she went to the linen cupboard and collected two large fluffy ones , but as she returned to the room the sound of Doreen 's plaintive voice caused her to pause .
9 As she returned to her nest , looking around her , she could see it so clearly that it made her laugh .
10 But as she returned to her room and closed the door , she silently thanked him that , when rather than encroach on his privacy she might have kept to her room , he had on their arrival thought to invite her to share his sitting-room for half an hour .
11 We were ecstatic as we returned to Bira with the good news , but a closer look at the grounded Sinar Surya and the motley bunch with whom we might sail made it clear that our troubles were far from over .
12 ‘ Are you on any medication at all ? ’ he asked as we returned to the surgery .
13 Luckily , as they returned to Cockroach , Wednesday 's dormitory , they bumped into Matron who was fixing her motorbike .
14 ‘ We do n't seem to have it , ’ Mr Crangle would say to the boy as they returned to his desk to find the book lying there , waiting for them .
15 SINGER Jason Donovan and girl-friend Tara Owens had a mixed bag of memories yesterday as they returned to Britain from a romantic holiday on the island of Bali .
16 She broke into a run as they returned to the cottage .
17 Bernard loved it , and said so , as they returned to the dingy familiarity of Mafeking Street .
18 As they returned to Swinbrook on Grye , the gipsy horse , the trees of Wychwood closed in about them and Carrie imagined the sadly diminished yet still proud forest was protecting them from the rest of the world .
19 Well it was a good idea in as much as it returned to the people 's wishes did n't it ?
20 Stoddart quotes a great number of opinions on this subject : it seems that some authorities think that they may have been caused by a fall in sea level which meant that the reef flat became a barrier to water movement , so that surf became channelled down the outer edge of the algal ridge as it returned to the sea ; alternatively the spur and groove system may be the most effective form of baffle for dissipating wave energy and is caused by reef-building corals forming the spurs — the grooves , once formed , may of course be accentuated by scouring .
21 The colour of his neck faded as he returned to the table with the drinks .
22 Having made all kinds of good resolutions after Ladakh , he fell out of them as soon as he returned to his usual academic haunts in Oxford and New York ; painfully , he tried again .
23 Mariana looked up as he returned to the living-room .
24 It was born of fear for her grandfather , he thought as he returned to his butchery of the President 's shotgun .
25 He also felt that Alison had , somehow , understood him , as he had , in some way , He had , as he returned to looking forward to being with Irina and Marcus , an obscure sense of his life being ‘ in order ’ , as if deep sources were working benignly on his side .
26 He was a passionate tourer , always in motion , descending on his Residents with floods of instructions which resumed their unceasing flow as soon as he returned to headquarters ; and long before Northern Nigeria was brought under effective British occupation , he was composing his Political Memoranda , which in addition to his reflections on the subject of Indirect Rule contained instructions to his officers of a comprehensiveness simply beyond satire .
27 But his attitude was positive as he returned to Obergurgl for the first time in years for our jaunt .
28 A neat arrangement , to be sure , from his point of view , as he returned to his all-male environment once more .
29 Lord John smiled winningly as he returned to the table .
30 He was involved in the same heavy round of duties as soon as he returned to London , however , and honorary positions were becoming increasingly a burden .
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