Example sentences of "as [pers pn] become known " in BNC.

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1 My days revolved inevitably around bathtime , nappy changes , feeds and my ‘ mothers meetings ’ as they became known in our household .
2 Skinhead haircuts & Crombies missed each other by the better part of a year & ‘ crombie boys ’ as they became known , often had shoulder length hair .
3 Considerable discussion went into the design of the OMOs — as they became known — by a Works team headed by the Chief Engineer , Alan Williams .
4 They were joined by Southey , and for some years by Samuel Taylor Coleridge , and these ‘ Lake Poets ’ , as they became known after 1817 , make the Lakes a totally acceptable place .
5 The Maxwell Houses , as they became known , were labelled as a ’ blot on the landscape ’ after they were boarded up and then simply abandoned .
6 Also , many Christians , especially in Scotland , were influenced by Baxter 's view of the Gospel as a new law , or ‘ Neonomianism ’ as it became known .
7 Well I have to say that much of the impact of this story depends upon your being able to see and think of Boy as beautiful , admirable and even adorable in the true senses of those difficult and dangerous but nonetheless precious and necessary words ; I suggest therefore that you amend my descriptions of Boy and his lover — but I anticipate myself , that was not to be for several weeks yet ; that ‘ Great Romance of Our Times ’ , as it became known amongst us , had not yet begun , its theme tune had not yet been composed on Gary 's piano , its scenario was not yet subject of our daily gossip and speculation , we were not yet auditioning for a place in the credits — The Friend , The Admirer , Blonde Man in Bar , Second Guest at Dinner Party .
8 The Supper Club , as it became known , gained notoriety when secret minutes of its deliberations were left on a Commons photocopier and reported to Kinnock .
9 ‘ Big Bang ’ , as it became known , was characterised by three main factors : first , the termination of the single capacity system of trading in favour of a new dual capacity regime ; secondly , the movement away from fixed commissions towards a more competitive commission scheme ; and lastly , the removal of outside ownership restrictions of member firms of the Stock Exchange Association .
10 Contained within this ‘ Agreement ’ , as it became known , existed a commitment on the part of the Stock Exchange to abolish fixed commissions in favour of a more competitive regime .
11 Speddy Arching " , as it became known , was often used in slate workings and good examples may be seen here and there .
12 Symbolic interactionism , as it became known , was perhaps the most vigorous of the variants of social behaviourism having a firm foundation at the University of Chicago .
13 This was later shortened to Blackwood Morton , Kilmarnock or BMK , as it became known .
14 This " self-determination " speech , as it became known , was probably the most important that he delivered during the Algerian conflict — not because it expressed radically new ideas , but because it expressed openly and in concrete terms what had hitherto been implicit .
15 The Globex system , as it became known , is to complement rather than replace the open outcry system .
16 As soon as it became known who was missing , the media had a field-day , ’ he explained .
17 Kermode is referring to the demise of the man of letters , or the ‘ bookman ’ as he became known in late-Victorian England , and his replacement by the professionalized university critic .
18 The irony of all this is that ‘ Finn ’ , as he became known to us all , had been an apprentice here at Selhurst Park in the late 1970s .
19 ( ’ Cardinal York' , as he became known , was a fervent believer in the Stuart cause and eventually called himself Henry IX , but plays little further part in the invasion story . )
20 In response the Syrian-based Seljuk dynasty fought back , especially through the exploits of the Kurd Salah al-Din ( Saladdin as he became known in the West ) who himself took Egypt establishing his own Ayyubid dynasty in 1171 .
21 General Norman Schwarzkopf , or Stormin' Norman as he became known , retired from the forces last year .
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