Example sentences of "had turned [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The Repton boy 's horror at Churchill 's anti-Bolshevist campaign had turned into a more adult and less ferocious criticism .
2 On December 5th American Telephone & Telegraph ( AT&T ) bid $6.1 billion for NCR , America 's sixth-largest computer maker , after merger talks had turned into a shouting match .
3 She felt as if her heart had turned into a fist and was trying to punch its way out of her chest .
4 After his Bolton wandering had turned into a rout , some of his staff were visibly shaken .
5 Forster was laying where they had left him , except the raw area of his face had turned into a slimy mess .
6 By February of this year the cracks had turned into a rift which could not be healed .
7 By 1984 the Hollywood hunk had turned into a bloated bulk .
8 She was brutally assaulted by her brother 's friends , as they had turned into a frenzied mob .
9 Someone , perhaps , had turned into a house .
10 Within minutes a gusting blizzard was raging , and the climax of our first season in Chamonix had turned into a nightmare .
11 The van jerked forward but he managed to keep the engine from stalling and within seconds they had turned into a sharp bend and the grotesque crater was no longer visible in the rear view mirror .
12 And if I had turned into a handsome prince Gillian would probably have shown me — him — the door .
13 But within a few days , all her mother 's youth and vigour were gone and the energetic , independent woman whose health and dependability she had taken for granted for so long had turned into a helpless invalid , unable to hold down the thinnest gruel , unable to sleep more than a few minutes at a time , unable even to answer the calls of nature on her own , so that she had to be lifted like a child onto the pot and lifted back into the jumble of stinking bedclothes .
14 The sneer had turned into a lump in his throat .
15 Ruth had already decided to bring her own children to be photographed today , and then approached all her friends with young families , suggesting they might like to do the same — so it had turned into a children 's party .
16 Could I ever again trust the being I had turned into a sort of god ?
17 And in the morning , when they went outside their hut to speed the traveller on his way , they found that the poor little cabin had turned into a handsome mansion , with everything around it that they could possibly need .
18 Gradually he began to believe that he himself had turned into a parrot .
19 " It was you and me , but you … you had turned into a skeleton . "
20 The hand was decomposing , the bloody stump of its wrist had turned into a black , congealed mess .
21 It was as if he had turned into a block of ice .
22 Somehow — God knows why or how — it had turned into a victory for Mrs Goreng .
23 She 'd been so immersed in the music , letting it wash over her , uplifting her , that she had n't even realised that the car had turned into a short driveway to stop outside a luxurious chalet-type building set in a clearing of beech trees .
24 As was often common after breech births , the afterbirth had not come away as it should have done , and Effie had been so torn during the birth , Dr Neil told her later , that she had started to bleed , and then the bleeding had turned into a violent haemorrhaging , the passage of the afterbirth completing the damage already done to Effie 's poor little body .
25 It had been a pretty little creature , it had looked quiet and gentle and good like Oliver , but as soon as you went near it , it had turned into a clawing , spitting bundle of hate .
26 The report singled out three recent incidents : a demonstration in Kishinev ( the capital ) on Jan. 8 , when a funeral procession for a Moldavian youth who had died in suspicious circumstances had turned into a rally by up to 10,000 people protesting against Soviet and communist rule , and fights had ensued between rival gangs of Moldavian and Russian youths ; a picket of the district Moldavian CP committee building in the town of Chadyr Lunga by members of the Gagauz minority demanding creation of their own autonomous republic ; and a referendum on Jan. 28 called by the city soviet in Tiraspol , Moldavia 's second largest city , in which the predominantly Russian population had voted overwhelmingly ( over 96 per cent of a 92 per cent poll ) to declare greater autonomy for the Tiraspol district and to support the possible declaration of Tiraspol and neighbouring Russian-populated towns as an autonomous republic ( Tiraspol had been one of the main centres of strikes by Moldavia 's Russian and Ukrainian population in August-September 1989 against greater Moldavian language rights — see pp. 36855 ; 36898 ) .
27 As had happened so many times lately , what looked like a flash of illumination had turned into a damp squib .
28 The ante-rooms of the hall itself had turned into a miniature promenade or fairground .
29 She felt lost , that her youth had gone , been sucked away by that vain and stupid old woman who had become enamoured of the young boy who had turned into a smooth-talking man .
30 She bit her lip , remembering that awful time when the news had come that he had lost his life in the fire that had demolished his holiday hotel — and how the tragedy , for her , had turned into a nightmare .
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