Example sentences of "had left a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And he started up in the spring and the bucket he 'd been carrying had left a ridge in his hand .
2 Importantly , this document does not refer to Louis Hotteterre , the brother of Nicolas ( dit Colin ) , who lived on the rue Marmousets in the parish of Ste Marie Magdelaine , but to the Louis whom I first identified in an earlier article : a letter written in 1712 by the French oboist Louis Rousselet mentions that he had left a musette for repair with Louis Hotteterre , who lived ‘ proche le Pon [ sic ] Marie ’ .
3 He had left a home and run away , but all he looked as if he had got was the probability of sleeping rough on a pavement .
4 I tried to look pleased when she told me that Prentice had been ringing at half-hourly intervals since mid-afternoon and had left a multiple-choice list of numbers where I could get him that evening .
5 She had been down to the lochside in the early morning with a basket of crusts and potato peelings for the water birds and had left a row of neat black boot prints in the snow .
6 The police had left a mess in his place : he 'd be busy .
7 Surely she had n't gone out again , forgetting that she had left a friend waiting on the telephone ?
8 She had married an insurance agent — Richard 's father — and later a solicitor in a country town who had left a wife and two children for her .
9 His parents had left a village in the mountains near the Albanian border just after the Civil War .
10 This had left a problem in raising public awareness about the shortage because people saw a lot of nurses ( mainly trainees ) around the RVH ; but they are not all qualified to carry out the work .
11 I wish my father had left a description of his encounter with Balcha but I can find none in his letters or despatches .
12 She thought at first somebody had left a bundle of washing in the telephone box .
13 Many pupils who had left a schoolbook behind would rather risk punishment than walk through the dark room with the animals smiling as they watched you hunt for your things .
14 A recent survey of domestic burglaries in Northern Ireland , showed that almost half of he victims had left a window open and a similar number had left a door open .
15 Probably the FedPol contingent visiting Vadinamia had left a backup ship in orbit , as they often do .
16 Reynard Lennon , who had left a trail of confused , temporarily disabled security droids behind him , waited in the shadow of a large rhododendron hybrid in Acropolis Park and watched the Roirbak rotor dance up from the roof , wheel around and head towards Sector 2p .
17 And a slug had left a trail across one leg . ’
18 She had been Patrick 's housekeeper for fourteen years , through his brief and disastrous marriage , through his long and complicated liaison with a woman who had left a year ago , telling Ella that there was no point in waiting any longer for Patrick to marry her .
19 All the knowledge she had came from her lessons in the village school , which she had left a year or two earlier .
20 After the incident on avenue Foch , Azadi had left a man to watch in a surveillance car .
21 A recent survey of domestic burglaries in Northern Ireland , showed that almost half of he victims had left a window open and a similar number had left a door open .
22 Blanche had left a message for the sergeant to join her in the editor 's office of Inside Out on the fourth floor .
23 It was an hour since he had left a message for Rachel : surely her meeting was over by now .
24 He said he had received information from another member of staff that Miss Dixon had left a message on a telephone answering machine about an ‘ untidy kitchen ’ at the nursing home .
25 Somehow it was helping , this inevitable back-stabbing repartee when two lovers met after an affair that had left a pool of acid where fond memories should have rested .
26 Waiting below was Michael Sams , who had left a tray on the bridge parapet for the money .
27 To demonstrate a sensitive period of the type he was proposing , it would be necessary to show that adults who had left a kibbutz at the age of six were not sexually attracted by members of the opposite sex whom they had been reared with while still in the kibbutz .
28 Often the furniture looked lost after he had left a room and because of this Endill soon learnt to tell where his father had been in the house .
29 Figures issued by the government on April 13 , 1990 , indicated that the 1989 budget had left a surplus of SFr4,600,000 .
30 Mrs. Jennens , daughter of Judge Blencowe , dreamt that an express came with an account of the death of her sister , Lady Probyn ; that the latter had appointed her sole Executrix and had left a cabinet to Mrs. Betty Blencowe in which were secret drawers containing several valuables .
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