Example sentences of "had left [adv prt] from " in BNC.

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1 She herself had never aspired to a career , finding complete satisfaction in acting as her husband 's typist and research assistant in the time she had left over from gardening and housekeeping .
2 Umm yes I do have I have n't brought it with me but I do have a book at home that that erm in that showed you know the pieces of fabric that you had left over from doing all this , erm I 've got a pattern that my mother actually used to make things that were very are now very unpopular for my children .
3 Compasses capable of drawing arcs of this size are rare , so I used a thin strip of 7x1mm mahogany I had left over from some modelling , it 's available at most model shops and is excellent stuff , if a trifle expensive .
4 He stared steadily outwards towards the ducks and flamingos while Kraal mantled his plumage , let out a harsh call or two and dropped down into the shelter to pick at the remnant of meat he had left over from the previous day .
5 I painted all mine white with some paint I had left over from an Airfix model of Apollo 11 but all I managed to do was clog up the mechanism .
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