Example sentences of "had known for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Anne Nielson was an extraordinary woman , as he had known for years .
2 In view of my evident misery , both at the onset and towards the end of the disease , the two statements may at first seem irreconcilable : I was desperately unhappy and had known for years that death can put an end to everything , including unhappiness .
3 Ted Power , a fine collector , whom I had known for years and who had seen odd paintings in mixed shows wanted to buy something .
4 on long , summer evenings ) and quite another to go up to a girl , even one I had known for years and actually do such a thing .
5 He realized afterwards that he had known for years , that there were a hundred fine details that he had chosen to ignore about her behaviour , her phone conversations , the times of her comings and goings .
6 On the other hand , he said ID cards were ridiculous and confirmed what fans had known for years that they were ill- treated by uncaring clubs who were allowing grounds to fall into disrepair .
7 When my father arrived in Abyssinia in mid-December 1909 to take up his post as British Minister in charge of the Legation , the Emperor Menelik , the greatest ruler the country had known for centuries , was reported to be still alive ; but no one knew for certain , and all men asked what would happen when he died .
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