Example sentences of "had assumed that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ONE had assumed that Gerry Healy ( Obituary , December 18 ) would be always with us .
2 In setting up his assignment at the University of Alabama , Donleavy had assumed that Coleman would return to Cyprus with Mary-Claude and Sarah in February 1988 , but analysing the personal histories of foreign scholars produced such interesting results that the DIA several times postponed his departure .
3 She had assumed that Harry Martin was behind it all , but who was to say if Luke Calder had n't coldly and calculatedly planned the whole thing ?
4 In advance of the operation , the Americans had assumed that Giraud 's prestige in French North Africa would clear the way to a rapid ceasefire .
5 Because his own emotional life was selfish , he had assumed that Patricia 's was also , that she was too involved with her own feelings to trouble about Clare 's .
6 She had assumed that God and goodness , and therefore luck and all earthly and spiritual rewards , were on her side .
7 British ministers had assumed that Bonn 's preoccupation with the situation in East Germany might lead it to oppose any move to begin drawing up a new treaty for European monetary union .
8 Now " Cocky " did not tell me what his list was intended for , I had assumed that Gibson was referring to his own unit , No 106 Squadron .
9 This came as something of a surprise since most people had assumed that SIB , as the recognising authority , was exercising some sort of supervisory control .
10 Where an earlier generation of natural theologians had assumed that Nature would heal itself , Marsh emphasized that some acts of destruction exceeded the earth 's recuperative powers :
11 Alina had assumed that Belov was taking her to another of the buildings , but it seemed now that he was going to lead her out of the settlement altogether .
12 When they cut themselves , they see spots of blood and they had assumed that blood looks like that inside our bodies .
13 It silenced Maggie most of all because she had assumed that Felipe guarded this secret and she had never mentioned it to Mitch .
14 By an act of faith that spanned one and a half centuries , Ralph had assumed that Whitstable grocer must be the lineal descendant of the Protestant rebel .
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