Example sentences of "had the [adj] feeling " in BNC.

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1 He turned back to what he was doing , his long fingers working quickly and expertly at the job , and she had the faintest feeling that she was being dismissed .
2 But from the soft laugh that followed her she had the ominous feeling that he was no more convinced by her protests than she was herself .
3 Sometimes she had the oddest feeling that she would have been able to confide in Paul , to pour out to him the whole bloody silly story without causing him to bat so much as an eyelid .
4 She had the awful feeling she was expected to behave in some glittering , unusual way to live up to her father 's memory .
5 ‘ Of course it would n't bother me ! ’ she replied at once , but she had the awful feeling that her denial lacked the ring of truth .
6 Only she had the awful feeling that was n't the end of it at all , and that was the really scary part of all this .
7 He looked at her as if challenging her to argue with him and Alyssia had the drowning feeling of someone whose control had been very efficiently whipped out of her grasp .
8 Merrill had the distinct feeling that he had noticed her distraction and she could only hope he had n't guessed the reason for it .
9 She now had the distinct feeling of nausea that sometimes accompanied overtiredness .
10 She had the tremendous feeling that Ana was speaking almost against her will , as if the words were being torn from her .
11 He yearned to reach London , was no less anxious than his uncle and his brother to reach the capital — and yet he had the curious feeling that time was not on his side .
12 He had the curious feeling that the whole house had fallen silent too , as though listening .
13 Luke made the word sound like an oath , and Folly had the curious feeling that they were having two conversations at once — and only one of them was about ancient history .
14 I had the strong feeling the place was empty .
15 I had the strong feeling of help having been given so I clasped my hands and said a prayer , half mentally , half vocally , of thanks to God .
16 For a moment she had the strong feeling of being at a funeral .
17 I had so far managed to avoid being kissed by the old bat , but I had the strong feeling that , by the end of the day , she and I were going to be getting physical .
18 But if these beings had left any fingerprints I had the strong feeling they would n't be the kind you get down at Scotland Yard .
19 When he had finished Morse had the strong feeling that what he had just implied was surely true : there must be some connection between the disturbing events which had developed so rapidly around the Wolvercote Tongue .
20 He turned to look at her again , and for a long moment they stared at each other , irreconcilable strangers either side of a barrier ; and yet Sara had the odd feeling that some part of her longed to understand Matthew Preston , to agree with him , to acquiesce in his decisions .
21 She had the odd feeling , at times , that she was being moulded like a lump of clay into the person he wanted her to be .
22 She had the decided feeling that he was on to her , and she had n't even started yet .
23 She had the terrible feeling that if she told her too much , gave her an excuse to poke and pry , somehow , all the safe fabric of their lives would be rent apart .
24 As she ran up the garden , her legs felt soft and boneless under her ; she had the terrible feeling that they might collapse altogether if she did n't hurry and find somewhere private , somewhere nice and safe and dark .
25 She could n't just ignore him in his own house and she had the nasty feeling that she would not have been able to ignore him anywhere .
26 I had the nasty feeling they 'd done this before .
27 And he had the strange feeling that he was moving in a dream .
28 I had the strange feeling I was driving back in time , groping my way into a world of Inca and Chimú people , a world of great empires that built roads and temples and forts of mud on the coast and of cut stone in the Andes , stone that was dove-tailed to resist the trembling of its foundations when the earth quaked .
29 And Polly had the strange feeling that he was drawing comfort from touching her .
30 On her high perch , she had the familiar feeling of exhilaration and apprehension .
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