Example sentences of "had happen at [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was afraid Richard would mind , but , as it turned out , my election had happened at a convenient time .
2 It had happened at a time when all I had to offer him was absolute misery for both of us .
3 This friend suggested that there might be something which had happened at an earlier stage in Kirsty 's life which was causing her health to deteriorate now .
4 Leila settled to tell him the story of Nathan 's condition and all that had happened at the farm , with certain omissions .
5 Hector never asked what had happened at the moid .
6 The skins taunted the police with what had happened at the Brixton riots a few days previously .
7 The fans knew that very little had happened at the match , but on the way picture , aided by songs , ‘ We took Swindon and all of them in it , We took Swindon in half a minute … ’
8 But in spite of what had happened at the fashion show she did not think Paula had any hand in it until next day at breakfast .
9 It had happened at the rampart by Dr Dunstaple 's house where Cutter had just shot a sepoy the moment before and seen him fall ; at the same instant he had caught sight of another sepoy levelling his musket and had said to the Sikh beside him : " See that man aiming at me , take him down . "
10 This departure from the T'ang 's normal practices was remarkable enough in itself , but what had happened at the beginning of the meal had surprised even his father .
11 In his clumsy , fumbling way he needed to say sorry for what had happened at the club the night before .
12 Winifred with a dead bird , Mrs. Jordan wanting her daily orders , even a fit of coughing — if any of these had happened at the right moment , she would never have invited Sarah on this visit .
13 Look what had happened at the last seance .
14 Regretfully , she acknowledged that his behaviour on the train threw no light at all on what had happened at the flat .
15 What could possibly give her a clue about what had happened at the flat in rue Roland ?
16 Had Andrew found out what had happened at the flat ?
17 Well , I had done what I could to protect the new catapult and , while I was sorry that what had happened at the Rabbit Grounds had cost me a trusted weapon with many battle honours to its name ( not to mention a significant sum out of the Defence budget ) , I thought that maybe what had happened had been for the best .
18 Even the compromises that were worked out in 1689 became a source of partisan divide , as rival groups came into conflict over just how to interpret what had happened at the Glorious Revolution .
19 Now at that stage my Lord Mr er telephoned Mr on the afternoon of the twenty second of October and it 's his case that he explained what had happened at the meeting of the bank to him and er asked him again , in view of the fact that was having to sell him home , if it was possible to withdraw from the contract and it is the plaintiff 's case that he pointed out to Mr er quite definitely and quite clearly on the telephone , on this day , er that without er the funding that he had required to run this business er he could only see that this was going to be potentially disastrous for him er and once again , my Lord as he said this was a fairly heated conversation and er the plaintiff was told by Mr once again that there was no way out for him and he should now concentrate all his efforts on achieving completion , er and once again we were .
20 And they had a system where erm they got this information and they It was that they I think there there was something about the time element , it had to happen at a certain time
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