Example sentences of "had let [pron] down " in BNC.

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1 I had let them down and was no longer worthy of their friendship .
2 They felt that he had let them down in front of others .
3 To the community at Canterbury he was a saintly but somewhat ineffective archbishop , who had let them down in the matter of the primacy of their church .
4 When Picasso painted the Demoiselles d'Avignon , those of his friends who were allowed to see it seem to have felt that in some way he had let them down .
5 And Freud and a lot of other German speaking people , thought that he had let them down , because he did n't have the political goodness .
6 KATE was left sitting alone once more as Ace stormed off , but she hardly noticed he 'd gone because all she could think about was how the fuel blend had let them down .
7 She had let them down , medical science had let them down .
8 She had let them down , medical science had let them down .
9 Her bitterness was divided equally between the medical profession , who she felt had let her down , and her sister , who although living nearby , had left her to look after their mother while the old lady died slowly of cancer .
10 The doctors had let her down , her baby was difficult , her mother-in-law was not good enough .
11 If she 'd meant to lie , she 'd have planned the lies ; as it was , it was more like someone else speaking , someone for whom all the tales might be true : the tales of the amorous husband who would not be denied , or even delayed ; of her horrified discovery that her tried and trusted dutch cap had let her down after all these years , of her disappointment that she would not now be able to train as a doctor or run a campaign for more zebra crossings or offer a home to her poor ailing mother ; and then of course there were the medical difficulties , what with her diabetes and the early mongol child that died and all those Caesarians ; and the home where there was n't an inch of space and how the baby would mean eviction and bankruptcy ; and the fear that the baby might be too obviously of mixed-race ; and the over-riding , gut-rending terror that the baby might have royal blood ( of course if ever this got outside these walls there would be no answering for the political consequences for the western world ) and in the circumstances it seemed kind that the child should never be born .
12 I offered them all glasses as well , and Angelica took one and went on bellyaching to all around her about how Steve had let her down and she should never have trusted the louse , and it was a tribute to her acting that there was a distinct drawing aside of skirts in the pursed mouths of those around her who were fed up with hearing about it .
13 Yes , Shadwell had let her down .
14 As for her mother : Ma , she felt , had let her down .
15 In spite of the fact that he had let her down badly and most devastating of all , even though he now had a new love — Beth still pined for him .
16 Ruby did not want to , she wanted to talk about her technique even though it had let her down .
17 If her husband had let her down , as was apparently the case , she ought to have a male relation of some kind , to see to things .
18 They had let her down , leaving her alone like that .
19 The only way he had let her down was about her nightmare .
20 The spinners Padmore , Jumadeen and Imtiaz Ali did the bulk of the bowling and , as far as Lloyd was concerned , it was they who had let him down .
21 Loads of people had let him down over the years , so I did n't want to be one of them .
22 They said goodbye and she felt she had let him down , that her unresponsiveness had been noted but not commented upon .
23 She often felt that she had let him down .
24 It had let him down badly on some occasions , but , on balance , nobody could deny that it had served him extremely well .
25 He carried the flowers and the hat in one hand like a rejected suitor whose props had let him down .
26 But they too had let him down .
27 And then he was very er well now I 'm sorry after he 'd put all the hard work with me , he was very very annoyed and disappointed that I had let him down so .
28 But readers can appreciate my reason for feeling that brother Louis had let me down badly .
29 had let me down I 'd have gone over everyone 's head and rung Matron 's flat .
30 Next it was the tussore silk smock ( Liberty ) , rather a babyish garment ; Nannie had let it down and let it out since Nicandra was six .
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