Example sentences of "had always assumed [that] " in BNC.

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1 She had always assumed that something would happen , sometime , to sweep away her marital comfort .
2 Henry had always assumed that this was due , on her part , to an entirely natural physical repugnance for him ; she moved away from him as one might move away from a bad smell or a dangerous horse .
3 He , after all , found her quite as repulsive as she found him and , as the two of them waltzed from oven to sink , from window to cutlery drawer , staring up , down , sideways , anywhere but at each other , Henry had always assumed that this was no more than the usual politesse of a failed English , suburban marriage .
4 I had always assumed that this sort of civilized dismay at barbarism was the monopoly of our cause .
5 Knowing the King , as he believed , Nicholas had always assumed that now , through his placing at table , Zacco would take his chance to belittle in public this favoured commander who had failed to give him his kingdom as promised .
6 Hers was not a type of female beauty which attracted him and he had always assumed that she was physically cold .
7 I had always assumed that this song was either fictional or referred to events long ago , and Ricks ' talk contained nothing to contradict this .
8 AS a regular reader of Rugby World & Post , I had always assumed that your Postbag items were selected to instruct , inform , amuse or provoke constructive debate .
9 In her innocence , Constance had always assumed that it was an activity that took place in bed .
10 He could always claim of course that he knew nothing of the layout of the engine-room and had always assumed that there had to be a reserve tank or that in a panic-stricken concern for the welfare of his beloved niece he had quite forgotten that there was no such tank .
11 She was not at all beautiful , but even with her likeness before me I had always assumed that she must be , since she carried such conviction in her forgotten words and her enduring appearance .
12 No matter how tedious she was in other ways , he had always assumed that it was n't in her nature to be coarse , and certainly she 'd never displayed evidence of the inclination .
13 He had always assumed that John got it from Paul .
14 For that reason , Sabine had always assumed that her mother was a Parisienne by birth .
15 Though she had no personal experience , she had always assumed that Jake would be a man of vigorous sexual appetites .
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