Example sentences of "they [modal v] apply [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sub-tenants may , of course , suffer if a head lease is forfeited for a breach of covenant by the tenant , however , they may apply for relief under s. 146(4) ( see above ) .
2 They may apply for party status as explained in 4 above .
3 Much debate has centred round the relative significance of these interacting factors , and how they may apply to related baboons such as drills which range on the floors of rain forests .
4 The plaintiff will be the tenant and the landlord the defendant , but if head lessors or mortgagees are likely to be affected they should be added as defendants and served by the lessee , or else notice should be given to them that they may apply to be joined if desired .
5 If access is refused , or information about the child 's whereabouts withheld , they must apply for an emergency protection , child assessment , care or supervision order unless satisfied that the child 's welfare can be satisfactorily safeguarded without such action ( s47(6) ) .
6 However there there is there is I think some re there are relevant sections in in the county council document N Y eleven , which follows on which is the the county 's as I understand it rebuttal to the H B F's assumptions on erm the environmental constraints and how they should apply across the county .
7 Emergency laws giving wide-ranging powers of arrest and detention , first introduced in 1981 after the assassination of President Anwar el Sadat , were extended when the People 's Assembly voted on May 8 that they should apply for the period June 1 , 1991 , to May 31 , 1994 .
8 They received little guidance as to the aims they should be pursuing , few broad policy direc-tions , and only minimal direction as to the principles they should apply in approaching their task .
9 The application of natural justice to preliminary hearings or investigations has tended to produce polarised arguments : the public body arguing that procedural rules have no place in the context of such hearings or investigations , and the individual asserting that they should apply in their full vigour .
10 These temporary problems might include medical problems , family crises and other similar major difficulties ; they might apply to pupils with special educational needs as to any other pupil .
11 It is possible , then , to systematically examine these factors which are often proposed in describing spoken language learning and to indicate how they might apply in the sign language situation .
12 In those days think-tanks were intoxicated by the new sophistication they could apply to their work by way of computers , games theory and other novelties .
13 If someone has looked after your child for 5 years or more they could apply to the court for permission to adopt your child .
14 Age and general description seem about right — but they could apply to tens of thousands of men in their late fifties or early sixties .
15 They could apply for a bar licence of course .
16 They would apply to a world in which no production is possible at all — a pure exchange economy — and they apply with equal validity to a world in which nature-given raw materials and labor are converted through production into consumer goods .
17 Developing its role in fostering relations with the former communist countries of central and eastern Europe , EFTA concluded free trade agreements on Dec. 10 with Poland and Romania ; signed a declaration on co-operation with Albania ; and took note that both the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic had declared that they would apply on an interim basis from Jan. 1 the EFTA-Czechoslovakia free trade agreement signed on March 20 [ see p. 38834 ] .
18 One is likely to get guidance as to the meaning of received in the United Kingdom for these purposes from the cases on Schedule D , Cases IV and V. In addition , the second limb of s740(5) states that s65(6)– ( 9 ) shall apply for the purposes of s740 as they would apply for the purposes of s65(5) if the benefit were income arising from possessions outside the United Kingdom .
19 The relevant provision is s740(5) which reads thus : An individual who is domiciled outside the United Kingdom shall not , in respect of any benefit not received in the United Kingdom , be chargeable to tax under [ s740 ] by reference to relevant income which is such that if he had received it he would not , by reason of his being so domiciled , have been chargeable to income tax in respect of it ; and [ s65(6)– ( 9 ) ] shall apply for the purposes of [ s740(5) ] as they would apply for the purposes of [ s65(5) ] if the benefit were income arising from possessions outside the United Kingdom .
20 My hon. Friend the Member for Hyndburn ( Mr. Hargreaves ) spoke eloquently about them in general and about how they would apply in his particular case .
21 They will apply to all business properties which were first occupied on or before 31st March 1990 .
22 The Standards will form part of the criteria which have to be met by firms applying for a legal aid franchise , but they will apply to all solicitors ' practices , whether seeking a franchise or not .
23 They will apply to almost all workplaces .
24 They will apply to fourth and fifth-formers , aimed at providing the pupils with more choice and flexibility during the last two years before they can leave school .
25 Ballyskeagh have been granted Monday and Friday nights and there is a possibility that they will apply for Wednesday later on .
26 The following paragraphs and the schedule attached to this letter summarize your main conditions of service as they will apply in relation to this appointment .
27 Normally , the ingenuity which requires protection is in the circuitry represented by the patterns formed by the conducting materials , but the regulations are wider in the sense that they will apply in situations where the ingenuity lies not so much in the horizontal patterns themselves but in the vertical arrangement of layers .
28 Exchanges are distinctive , however , in the high level of control that they can apply through their rules and to some extent their RIE status , in meeting ( or attempting to meet ) such needs .
29 If they are told the Home Office is ‘ minded to refuse ’ asylum they can apply for a judicial review .
30 After remaining in the colony for seven years they can apply for a CI which is a more widely recognised travel document and enables them to become British Dependent Territory Citizens .
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