Example sentences of "they [be] sent [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But whether they are sent to the third world or torn into rags or
2 When the company soccer team refuses to lose a soccer match to a top South Vietnamese side in order to boost their allies ' morale , we learn finally that they are sent to a place called Khe Sahn .
3 As soon as scripts are marked by internal examiners they are sent to external examiners and the unmoderated results fed into the student management system .
4 We are often talking about young people who have been through the entire menu of alternatives to imprisonment before they are sent to a young offenders institution , formerly known as a detention centre .
5 This obedience was not only due to God but ‘ to our superiors , for they are sent by God ’ .
6 They 're sent to Earth in Black Ships such as this — ‘
7 When that breaks down , they 're sent to what used to be the poorhouse .
8 yeah , they 're just , they 're just disposed of , they 're sent into prison , they 're , the , the prisons er
9 Up to last year we used to collect used postage stamps and then when our dear friend Father Burbage left for Zambia we had to abandon it because we had no idea where they were sent to .
10 In the guise of travelling labourers they were sent to Wokingham Fair as undercover agents .
11 They were sent to schools and teachers were expected to teach them .
12 They were sent to him in packages of ten cartons from Moscow .
13 There were some that were quite valuable , a Churchill , I think , and a Boss , but they were sent to his gunsmith in Glasgow , Peterson and Briggs , and they were sold .
14 Two infant girls contracted scarlet fever ; they were sent to Oakley Isolation Hospital ( now Clapham Hospital , a geriatric outpost ) .
15 So both boys went to the state school in spite of Father Michael at St Oswald 's , but it was a hollow victory because twice a week , once after school , once on Saturdays , they were sent to the Convent to learn catechism off the nuns so they would grow up good Catholics after all .
16 Well , as you know , she did n't have a sweet tooth , not her , but I — They were sent to her twice a year for as long as I can remember .
17 The net result was a political atmosphere ‘ in which it became impossible for the police as a whole to avoid a distortion of priorities and for individual police officers it became more and more difficult to disentangle fact from prejudice in assessing those whom they were sent to police ’ ( McCabe and Wallington , 1988:134–5 ) .
18 Within weeks they were sent to Australia , where they suffered many privations .
19 Then they were sent to the camp at Drancy , and from there they were put on trains and sent to Auschwitz to be gassed .
20 This time they were sent to Alfred Bowles of Ipswich and bear the inscription " Alfred made me and hung us all " .
21 Instead , they were sent to Georgia to play a side which was ‘ invited ’ to take part in the competition by UEFA ; I think serious vetting is the order of the day from now on !
22 And any any reso what I call resolutions that were passed they were sent to the proper departments of government .
23 In 1860 the foreign secretary urged British diplomats not to use unnecessarily " this very costly channel of communication " , and until at least the end of the nineteenth century the ministers in China and Japan , to save money , were still guided , except in serious emergencies , by despatches which took five weeks to reach them via the Suez Canal , or four if they were sent across Canada .
24 The film was responsible at the time for the tremendous popularity of the bar and , whenever Yates or Dustin went into it , they were sent over a bottle of champagne by the management .
25 In April 1957 , when what remained of the work was being cleared up , some specimens which had been laid by to crystallize were found to have done so , and so they were sent for pharmacological investigation .
26 I think they were sent for their tea by Billingsley and his friends , and I 'll tell you something more , no one will ever know what happened to them , so forget it !
27 Oh and the fourth thing that happened is the timbers , core samples were taken out of the timbers and they were sent for erm dendrochronology .
28 They were sent on ‘ Gathering ’ missions .
29 The relevant circumstances are set out in s1(2) of that Act which states : ( 2 ) The circumstances referred to in the preceding subsection [ the extinguishment of any right of the sender to the goods ] are that the goods were sent to the recipient with a view to his acquiring them , that the recipient has no reasonable cause to believe that they were sent with a view to their being acquired for the purposes of a trade or business and has neither agreed to acquire nor agreed to return them , and either ( a ) that during the period of six months beginning with the day on which the recipient received the goods the sender did not take possession of them and the recipient did not unreasonably refuse to permit the sender to do so ; or ( b ) that not less than thirty days before the expiration of the period aforesaid the recipient gave notice to the sender in accordance with the following sub-section , and that during the period of thirty days beginning with the day on which the notice was given the sender did not take possession of the goods and the recipient did not unreasonably refuse to permit the sender to do so .
30 ‘ Yes , ’ Cranston stuck his fiery red nose deeper into his tankard , slurping noisily , ‘ they were sent after us .
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