Example sentences of "they [verb] [be] able " in BNC.

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1 A group like this that can offer parents the chance to pay according to what they earn is able to offer full day care for 45 pounds .
2 Thanks to Charlie boy , they 'd been able to splash a bit on the wedding and Marilyn could have the white satin and the four bridesmaids she 'd set her heart on .
3 It must have been hard for her — uprooted and transported to a strange country — not to know what was happening to her and her mother , apart from the fact that somehow or other they 'd been able to join up again with the father .
4 fortunately they 'd been able to pay for by the .
5 They like being able to afford French champagne , to send their children to schools in France or to take holidays on the French Riviera .
6 They captured several outposts and with the arms they gathered were able to equip larger forces .
7 And I hope that members appreciate as I say , the range and scale of work , which is that , you will also have seen that they 've been able to open now one evening a week , and for a very small service with a budget of about three hundred and fifty thousand pounds , erm they are doing sterling work .
8 We 're the only vets they 've been able to contact . ’
9 He says that he hopes they 've been able to reasure the people living nearby , and that the travellers will now quietly leave .
10 Because er it 's marvellous what they 've been able to do .
11 Maybe their system 's organized differently , but fundamentally the problems are the same and that 's given our people the confidence that they needed because they 've been able to see that people everywhere , it 's not just them isolated in , in , you know , Tory Britain , who are facing these particular difficulties , but issues of privatization for example as the same in France and actually about to get much worse , er but , and , and I think that helped erm our colleagues from France who 've also got a perspective on their struggles and their battles we 've been able to support one another with information about companies working , multi-national companies working on both sides of the Channel .
12 Due to wartime conditions the peasantry got the same amount of agricultural machinery over the years 1915–21 that they had been able to buy in a single year prior to the World War .
13 The Agriculture Minister , Mr John Gummer , and the Scottish Secretary , Mr Malcolm Rifkind , celebrated the small gains they had been able to negotiate , but admitted that the industry in Britain faced a tough time in the coming year .
14 They were walking on to the long ridge they had been able to see from the cottage window .
15 Although the German forces on the eastern front of the European battle-zone , had not reached Moscow , they had been able to reach the outskirts of Stalingrad by August 1942 , in which month Winston Churchill visited Stalin in Moscow .
16 During the first few days of the Blitz I had to go to Kings Cross and there I saw whole streams of weary and frightened East Enders pouring through the station , intent only on getting away from the bombing with what bits and pieces of their belongings they had been able to salvage ; with their small children crying and bewildered , and family pets bundled up in rugs or protesting loudly in makeshift cardboard boxes .
17 It was natural , but unreasonable , to feel guilt for what seemed like a failure in duty , rather than feel thankful for the years of unremitting and unselfish care that they had been able to give .
18 The current South African team is still a long way from emulating the 1960s side which could well have claimed World Championship status if they had been able to test their strength against Garry Sobers ' West Indies .
19 It was as if someone had been trapped inside and had kicked and beaten the door — perhaps without success — until the power had gone and they had been able to drive back down the hill .
20 Three weeks earlier they had flown out to Rome where they had been able to spend a few days as guests of the staff and students at the Venerable English College before setting out from St Peter 's Square on Wednesday , 30th September to cycle more than 1,700 miles across Italy , Switzerland and France , then up through England .
21 There were other reasons for insecurity , too : no matter how much material prosperity had come a family 's way , there was still every chance that illness or a premature death might send them all back down a snake at a much faster speed than they had been able to climb up a ladder .
22 They had been able to recover only 10% of their set-up costs and 28% of their recurring costs in chargeout rates .
23 Indeed they were given a meal , more substantial than any they had been able to enjoy at Berwick for a while , before they set off again .
24 She said I had not been meant to have this until I was twenty-five , but since I was married and had a child , they had been able to break the trust .
25 On the eve of their presentation to the Women 's International Professional Council , a group of British tennis writers , plus two from France , were summoned to hear Gerry Smith suggest that all they really wanted to do was to give the women players the same sort of voice in the game as the men ; that they had no intention of tearing the women 's game apart and that if they had been able to carry on negotiations quietly and in confidence , there would have been no problems .
26 This led the group to recall , towards the end of the meeting , how they , too , had got nowhere with work-refusing children while they constantly demanded better work from them ( thus identifying with Mr E as having known failure instead of contrasting their own better results with his , as they had done earlier ) but how they had been able to help them when they had worked on the relationship .
27 He and Ford had a cannon on the roof loaded with everything that they had been able to lay their hands on : stones , penknives , pieces of lightning-conductor , chains , nails , the embossed silver cutlery from the dining-room , and even some ivory false teeth , picked up by Ford who had seen them gleaming in the undergrowth ; but the greater part of the improvised canister was filled with fragments of marble chipped from The Spirit of Science Conquers Ignorance and Prejudice .
28 If they had been able to take more time over preparation of their findings and reasons the difficulties this court has faced on this appeal might not have arisen .
29 According to the evidence at the trial , only Zaidie bore witness to the defendant 's telephoned confession , but the defence might have promoted a viable theory of conspiracy if they had been able to show that Matadial had also testified to a confession , then resiled from it in her deposition , taken the offensive again in her addendum and finally opted for a female voice in her evidence .
30 In some cases , particularly the non.engineering companies , the extent to which they had been able to shape these plans as opposed merely to sanction them was very limited indeed .
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