Example sentences of "they let [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The players are disappointed and realise they let everybody down including themselves .
2 In their overheated frustration this Monday evening at Old Trafford they let themselves down badly through ignorance of the laws of cricket .
3 ‘ It 's not normal , ’ was all he could say when they let him out .
4 They let him out ?
5 Oh , but there was a thing on the on the radio the other day talking about little boys , and they let him out he was now got a karate class for young boys in the South of England somewhere .
6 Knight bannerets of the king 's household stopped them but Cranston muttered a few words and they let him by .
7 Suddenly , they let him down and one said , ‘ This guy does n't know what we are talking about or he would not ask , ‘ Who is he ? ’ '
8 Rosie had to stay in hospital for ten days , but on the first Monday morning after they let her out , she came round to visit the family .
9 So I think they let her out the day after .
10 Poor , insecure little Caroline , clinging rigidly to what she knows , terrified of the unknown , terrified to trust people in case they let her down , hurt her feelings , or even endanger her in some way … ? ’
11 I am bigger than any of them , but I think the reason they let me through is because I am older : they assume I am crew .
12 I want to see you again just as soon as they let me out of this hospital .
13 They let me out for the day and then , when he regained consciousness five days later , they let me out again to see him .
14 They let me out for the day and then , when he regained consciousness five days later , they let me out again to see him .
15 They let me out again .
16 " At home , if they let me out of here in time , " I said .
17 I gave a fake name , they let me out on bail .
18 Once I got arrested one morning for soliciting , but they let me out of the police station ; I got arrested the same afternoon , they let me out again ; I got arrested in the evening and they kept me in and took me to court the next day .
19 Once I got arrested one morning for soliciting , but they let me out of the police station ; I got arrested the same afternoon , they let me out again ; I got arrested in the evening and they kept me in and took me to court the next day .
20 They let me out from time to time , ’ he stated seriously .
21 Gone away to the funny farm , yeah , they let me out last week .
22 They let me in on the secret quite early — then people started joking about it .
23 They made big promises but , in the end , they let me down and I was forced to show mainly younger artists , which is always interesting but financially disastrous .
24 They let me off at four in the morning and I had to be in court by nine .
25 They made three mistakes with these cattle — they let them in , they failed to test them , and they encouraged farmers like myself to buy the cattle , and all these moves were errors .
26 If they let them in , so be it .
27 I do n't even know whether they let them off at the head office .
28 Now they let them out in the summertime to different people .
29 Geoffrey says nobody knows whether they let it out accidentally , or were getting their own back on Sykes for wasting a whole weekend .
30 They let us off after our three Santa Clausesses mobbed them and asked to play with the red furry pandas they had clipped to the aerials of their radios , on condition we played ‘ Saints ’ until out of sight .
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