Example sentences of "they come [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many aquatic animals have similar difficulties when they come onto land .
2 If he had a small pond it used to be was two and sixpence that 's all they used to charge , but of course the other boats , now the boats that used to come from Rotterdam they would n't fill up there and they were Dutch boats , they would n't fill up in water out of the Rhine in Rotterdam , they always wait until they come to Ipswich and got fresh water .
3 So that when they come to assessment in the Upper School … they can actually analyse and rationalize why things work and why they do n't , why they should change direction , why they should give up and start again , and why they should logically follow the piece through .
4 When they come to London , there 's a house here too .
5 She 's Turkish yeah , they come to London .
6 It should also be recognised that their progress with reading and writing is likely to be handicapped initially if they come to school with a restricted knowledge and experience of language .
7 For events do not take place spontaneously , out of nowhere ; they come to fullness as a result of many active forces .
8 As always , Ideal Constitutions for Ireland must wobble a bit when they come to Ulster .
9 sometimes they come to Edinburgh and then go away for six months and come back to Glasgow
10 Are they at any form of disadvantage when they come to university studying a science subject such as chemistry ?
11 They come to New York fresh from a show at the hallen für Neue Kunst in Schaffhausen , Switzerland , and the catalogue for that show , which is available at the desk , contains an interview with the artist by curator Christal Sauer .
12 She knows that they come to life under her touch , and that they may carry their own life and their creator be forgotten .
13 The National Bowl is one of what we hope will be a series of venues all over Europe and we hope this one will become the first stop for major artists as they come to Europe
14 They come to Sussex to study music .
15 Bobby Robson will be more immediately concerned with the mood and strength of the Brazilians when they come to Wembley on March 28 .
16 Ministers when they come to Committees should assume that other Ministers have read their papers and time should not be spent on an oral regurgitation of what already appears in writing in the paper .
17 But er , I never heard of them if they did and er , I mean I , I used to involve meself not in politics or anything like that is the last thing I ever thought of involving meself in but er , I did er , sort er , well being on the milk round you used to see the people in , because they come to door to bring a jug you see and you , you talk to people and you know they were , er were sensible and they were , were should I say soft or had no er conversation at all like , you know .
18 Richard Faulkner meets students when they come to Bradford to work out any special dietary needs .
19 ‘ When they come to Britain they attract an army of photographers .
20 ‘ Especially when they come to Britain , you know , this is my territory .
21 If they come to power , such institutional changes would of necessity lead to a review of the Arts Council 's role and therefore of the arm's-length principle .
22 The principal reason is that the Government will be defeated in four or five months ' time and be replaced by a Labour Government who will take the Bill off the statute book as soon as they come to power .
23 and they come to MPs like me to try and find some way of helping themselves out of the dilemma .
24 Bold assertions are what we have come to expect from visiting Americans of dubious pedigree but they come to Biggs almost as an afterthought .
25 But these are dogs in training : they come to heel ; they do not attack indiscriminately ; but they can barely wait for the big bite .
26 Then might not the rotting stump of the tree split under their weight and they come to grief ?
27 Some of Thomas Hardy 's leading characters are relentlessly pursued by fate ; they come to grief through sequences of evil coincidences no less remarkable than those by means of which the earlier heroes of Evangelical literature had been saved .
28 What else if I , I have to go and relieve er if I want er to only work down the cabin and it come to meal times cos we carried on dredging from six in the morning we do al all the winters round cos they eat on the dredger they used to eat three winches four winches on the dredger cos they 'd heave the dredger across the river and back again , wo when they come to meal times I used to have to go on and relieve the man what was driving that winch and I used t cos the er er chins coming round the barrel of the winch they used to override and I used to have a handle to knock them clear .
29 Essentially they come to Westminster to explain rather than defend .
30 Today and on March 23 they come to Doc 's Orders , Darlington ; March 12 at Bonding Warehouse , York ; March 13 at Stage Door , Scarborough ; March 25 at the Empire in Middlesbrough .
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