Example sentences of "they would probably [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you asked for a special audit they would probably welcome it , as an indication that the bank was going to great lengths not to put them out of business . "
2 If the police did n't issue them with ‘ tickets ’ they would probably sleep in the air-raid shelters .
3 Most of the people who went to Virginia or the West Indies were clearly looking for an opportunity to do better than they could in England , and if they made fortunes they would probably go back to England to enjoy their wealth , but the Massachusetts Bay Company was more concerned with escape from England or with the creation of a society that improved on its better aspects and rejected the worse .
4 So it 's a half amp so what sized fu and they would probably give you erm , are you going to use a three amp , a five amp or a fif or a thirteen amp fuse ?
5 A at a guess I would think they would probably give you about three to six months ' worth of pay as compensation , if
6 They would probably suggest that during millions of years ' evolution , women 's instincts have developed in such a way as to protect and nourish family and kin .
7 Might they fail to get satisfaction from what they are doing , These are important questions but I doubt whether anyone would deliberately design difficulty into a task ( they would probably choose variety ) .
8 Erm er so er you know it may be that you would need to work , and I 'm sure they would probably expect you to have worked with offenders erm
9 Even if urban foxes were dumped in rural areas , they would probably do little harm .
10 But they would slither out again , and they would probably do so quite quickly .
11 Donaldson was n't too happy about his placing in the room — the light was behind him and against Mrs Balanchine , the complete opposite of the ideal — but they would probably manage .
12 They would probably knock her insides about to fit in a jacuzzi or the like , not to mention all-night parties and vulgar guests filling every room .
13 Businessmen fear a Labour victory would cause the pound to fall in value even though they would probably benefit .
14 She would go back there and talk to Steve and they would probably decide to abort this whole campaign and return to England .
15 One of DEC 's official spokesmen allowed that they would probably send along representatives ready to support Unix SVR4 with its Network Application Support environment .
16 If we returned to the road with our panniers full of food and met the Germans , they would probably stop and search us .
17 It was generally assumed that they would probably prove to be complementary to each other , but what the optimum mix would be was far from clear .
18 Gloria reported back that , if she went to the police , they would probably supply someone .
19 They would probably need help with sentences like , ‘ class teachers , together with the help of the remedial specialist , ensure that there is a detailed understanding of the learning difficulties of each individual child . ’
20 Even if the Germans were to join , it is argued , they would probably hedge their participation with so many conditions that the force would be useless .
21 In fact , if they do have a complaint , it 's that they would probably like me to go back full time — which is very nice to know ! ’
22 They would just like to keep on playing , they claim , and if they have children they would probably use educational methods similar to their father 's .
23 In Europe they would probably describe themselves as transsexuals and have a full sex change .
24 If she told them what she was doing they would probably support her , probably do as good a job for her as they did for Nina .
25 After most peoples experiences of travelling on camels they would probably find a penny farthing easier , but Robyn Davidson trekked 1,700 miles across the Australian desert with two camels and a dog for company .
26 By morning , if anyone troubled to come looking for her , they would probably find her poor , frozen body rooted to the spot by a cage of spindly icicles .
27 If they were to try to give an answer to the question at the head of this section , they would probably try to give a general account of factors which encourage or discourage chickens from crossing roads .
28 If England could organise the draw to their liking they would probably play Austria , Colombia and Costa Rica in the first round .
29 They would probably play that disgusting game of spitting on people from a great height .
30 They would probably say that they have chosen an aspect of social life which is clearly central to many people 's lives and which dominates these other kinds of relationships .
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