Example sentences of "they would [verb] had " in BNC.

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1 Measured by the middle group 's criteria they would 've had three then would they ?
2 I think the reason they probably did this because it 's , it 's , it was politically harder to do that , they would 've had to taken a lot more responsibility .
3 Uderzo says they preferred not to film in America : ‘ They would have had a very different idea of how to approach the jokes .
4 Certainly they would have had much to talk about , recalling voyages up the New England coast ; how they had dared storms together and mixed with tough Maine characters at the Jonesport summer ball , or how one of Peters 's cruises had been christened after the four B's which constituted their provisions : beans , bacon , bread , and bananas .
5 True , they would have had a stronger showing had not their former prime minister , Lothar de Maizière , stepped down before the election amid charges ( which he denies , and which an inquiry looks set to discuss ) that he used to work for the former East German secret police .
6 ‘ But perhaps after all , they would have had little to say to one another . ’
7 They would have had some sort of premonition , or maybe some would say they would have had a revelation from God .
8 They would have had some sort of premonition , or maybe some would say they would have had a revelation from God .
9 For they would have had either to vote for all the candidates on one list ( implying a commitment they rejected ) or they would have had to switch from one list to another during the voting .
10 For they would have had either to vote for all the candidates on one list ( implying a commitment they rejected ) or they would have had to switch from one list to another during the voting .
11 But for the opening of two artificial pitches at Feltham School , they would have had great difficulty in finding a home venue in recent seasons .
12 Three-quarters of MPs receive between 20 and 50 letters a day , whereas in the 1960s they would have had this many in a week .
13 But it is doubtful whether they would have had any opportunity even to attempt that massive task if the years of the War had not profoundly changed public attitudes , and even softened the mind if not the heart of that great enemy of education and old boy of Harrow , Winston Churchill .
14 She decided not to go back to the bank , because they would have had to create a special job for her .
15 Cocker 's scepticism was not typical of the sentiments expressed on that day : Ald. McNaughtan , the Tramway Committee Chairman , in laying the first rail said that Blackpool 's delay in constructing a tramway was fortuitous , otherwise they would have had horses or steam , ‘ instead of nature 's more wonderful , immense and mysterious agency — electricity ’ .
16 Also , one of my carers — who is very caring , goes all the time , does the work for the person — is very young and quite quiet , and I feel … well last week a doctor came in to see her client , and if it had been one of the older carers I 'm sure they would have had a go at the doctor and forced him to do more than he actually did .
17 Some books are encountered too late , after the period when they would have had maximum impact .
18 The police and the probation service , on the other hand , could impose sanctions , though whether they would have had any effect on Willy , who ‘ was extremely rude and behaved very badly towards all authority ’ , is open to doubt .
19 Inspector Alan Miller , of North Yorks Police , said : ‘ They would have had to be very determined to breach the wires , ignore warning signs and risk confronting armed guards for the sake of a few rabbits . ’
20 If they had , they would have had to provide an alternative explanation of where the surface energy of a newly broken surface came from , but somehow nobody took it very seriously .
21 This would be expected because , first , they would have been socialized into a version of mathematics nearer to that of the university ‘ modern ’ pure mathematicians than that of their elders and because , secondly , they would have had a potential interest in changes that could , within schools , challenge the seniority of their elder colleagues or , at least , they would have had less of a vested interest in current practice .
22 This would be expected because , first , they would have been socialized into a version of mathematics nearer to that of the university ‘ modern ’ pure mathematicians than that of their elders and because , secondly , they would have had a potential interest in changes that could , within schools , challenge the seniority of their elder colleagues or , at least , they would have had less of a vested interest in current practice .
23 Sun 's other weak point may be the fact that WABI 's Praxsys creators come from BIOS house Phoenix Technologies Ltd where they would have had access to MS-DOS .
24 Sun 's other weak point may be the fact that WABI 's Praxsys creators come from BIOS house Phoenix Technologies Ltd , where they would have had access to MS-DOS , although Phoenix was one of the pioneers of the concept of the clean room , where no-one that has any inside knowledge of the code being emulated is allowed to come into contact with the developers of the emulation .
25 They would have had more chance of getting established in the late 1980s .
26 My point is not that we might count the relations between parts as themselves parts — though this is not necessarily mistaken — but that the relations into which the parts enter in making up the whole affect their character and value so that they do not necessarily have the same value as they would have had out of that whole .
27 In that case , the sum of the values of the parts of a thing should not be equated with the sum of the values they would have had outside that whole .
28 These concerned matters that were a pure technicality ( being allowed to run an advertisement that they would have had no intention of ever running again ) and a virtual truism ( being told that future circumstances may arise in which they should be reasonably able to readdress the issues at hand ) .
29 If , amidst the generally apocalyptic atmosphere of the time , devout Jews were anxiously awaiting the advent of two Messiahs — one royal from David , one priestly from Aaron — they would have had their eyes fixed on a limited number of families .
30 The remains of houses and possessions give an idea of people 's lifestyle , while the remains of their tools can show what work they did , and to some extent how hard they would have had to work to do a particular job .
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