Example sentences of "they were about [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Well fortunately the Spanish were even more incompetent than he was and what the Spanish commander , instead of rubbing his hands at the prospect of er the damage they were about to wreak , he discovered that they had the wrong calibre shells for their guns and Roosevelt and the Rough Riders overran the Spanish guns a and Teddy Roosevelt became a war hero and on the strength of becoming a war hero , he become vice president of the United States , got the vice presidential nomination and in good American fashion the president was shot er by an assassin er and Teddy Roosevelt became president , so there you are , there 's a there 's a career plan for you to er to think about .
2 Just as they were about to go down it , the door opened .
3 As they were about to go inside — for although it was a pleasant summer day , it was always likely to be windy on top , and their hats might blow away — Florrie exclaimed in sudden panic : ‘ Oh , good gracious !
4 They were about to go through to the back-kitchen when the door behind the bar opened , and Connor came out with a large , pink-faced gentleman .
5 Despite the early hour , the eunuchs were all dressed and painted as if they were about to go out to a late-night nautch .
6 Eventually the majority of Cook 's excursionists were women ; they climbed the Alps , negotiated glaciers , scrambled up the Pyramids and crossed deserts , dressed always as if they were about to take afternoon tea with the vicar .
7 But they did not know beforehand that one of the children they were about to take suffered from asthma .
8 A small silence was filled by mutual contemplation of the step they were about to take .
9 To troops who had not yet been through the mill at Verdun , passing men whom they were about to relieve was an unnerving experience ; they seemed like beings from another world .
10 Realising she had no chance of winning an argument against the use of first names when they were about to spend several weeks alone at sea together , Polly made a brief gesture of acquiescence .
11 They were about to arrest the whole band until I told them I was to blame . ’
12 Mr Evans said , when they were about to set off .
13 In another village in the hills where there was a Christian community the village pastor came to find the chaplain and explained that they were about to hold a service of thanksgiving for their liberation and would like some of the troops to attend .
14 His slacks and sweater were well-styled and good , but he managed to wear them as if they were about to fall off him .
15 Just when you thought they were about to finish they would burst off again .
16 It finally came home then to Delaney what they were about to do in several hours ' time .
17 Whenever she rode out with Jenkins , he always called to her what they were about to do , whether they were going to trot , or canter , jump or gallop .
18 Whatever they had been ordered to do they were about to do it right away and Felipe replaced the phone with a dark frown on his face .
19 He had been dreaming that he and his friend Aidan Lynch were on Death Row in some American prison and they were about to die in the electric chair .
20 They were about to call for padded suits when ex-jockey John got home at Maidenhead , Berks .
21 What Claudia had in mind was some colouring of the evidence so that the district officer , Miles Turnbull , a harassed , overworked but popular man , who was dead — bien entendu — could be seen to have acted rashly in asking his askaris to point a gun at Tepilit , which Tepilit naturally interpreted as meaning they were about to shoot him .
22 Just as they were about to give up hope of finding their way a huge while wolf appeared , which instead of attacking them began to guide them skilfully through the dark wood .
23 Shadow ministers , who had been behaving as if they were about to move into Whitehall , looked stunned and shattered .
24 Just when they were about to ask Brussels to impose the fruits of their labour as the official standard for European direct-broadcast satellites , someone at the French foreign ministry leaked a report which argues that their technology , called D2 MAC , is already out of date .
25 And just as they were about to leave , as if to make a grand exit of it , O kissed Boy again , very publicly .
26 Sometimes they 'd fuck right away , or sometimes they 'd wait till they were about to leave , but they 'd always do it on the sheet , the same sheet he 'd brought that first time , as if , without it , some spell might be broken and everything would fall apart .
27 Didier Pironi told me they were about to leave the circuit for a hotel to meet in private where they could not be coerced by their bosses and , as it happens , along with a half-dozen other early colleagues , my car was well placed to follow the bus as it drove off .
28 When they were about to leave for the restaurant , a man standing near the bar came up to Kevin and said , ‘ If ye 're wanting a place here , the Half House is on the market . ’
29 Our old mates THE ORB popped round to Vibes central control the other day for tea and spacecakes and a quick intergalactic natter , and somehow they just happened to leave a whole box of ORB window stickers in the VIBES record cupboard — and would you believe it just as they were about to leave we could n't find the key ?
30 No — he was buttoning his jacket in a purposeful manner , and they were about to leave the scene .
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