Example sentences of "same position [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 For each photograph , they worked out a complicated formula to get their own cameras and tripods in exactly the same positions as the ones adopted by their predecessor a century earlier .
2 Within a few years of transfer to the South Metropolitan system , all these cars had the headlamps moved from the canopy front to the usual position on the dash , one reason being that it enabled them to carry advertisements in the same positions as the rest of the fleet .
3 In fact , their necks are so mobile that they can keep their heads in the same position while a branch sways in the breeze underneath them .
4 By part I of the Law Reform ( Married Women and Tortfeasors ) Act 1935 , a married woman was put into the same position as a man with respect to her proprietary and contractual capacity , and , except in relation to her husband , with respect to her liability for torts .
5 In many ways , he is in the same position as a husband who finds that his wife is infertile .
6 Positive regulations requiring the developer to install equipment to prevent , and or abate odour pollution would probably be unenforceable as s.52(2) , which overcomes the limitations of privity of contract , does so by the fiction of placing the local authority in the same position as a landowner entitled to enforce a convenant against an adjoining landowner .
7 In making such judgments one is in much the same position as a journalist describing a battle after it had taken place from the bar of a hotel , for the pressures in the 'sixties were very great and very immediate and those of us in the Ministries of Education responded to them as best we knew how .
8 The contractor chooses one of the three who immediately becomes his responsibility and is in the same position as a domestic subcontractor .
9 Working on the same principle as a jigsaw , but with the reciprocating blade in line with the saw body , it 's used in the same position as a hand saw , but held with both hands .
10 Thus a member of Lautro upon whom an intervention notice is served is in much the same position as a defendant to an action at law against whom an ex parte injunction is obtained .
11 Students working alone with a video player are in the same position as a teacher using the machine in the classroom — they are in control of the machine and can exploit that fact in similar ways .
12 The provisions of s 3 of the UCTA apply equally in these circumstances , and the protected party is placed in the same position as a consumer , even if he is acting as a businessman .
13 An equitable mortgagee seeking possession is in precisely the same position as a legal mortgagee ( Barclays Bank Ltd v Bird [ 1954 ] Ch 274 at p 280 ) , but the remedy of an equitable chargee is only by way of sale ( see The Supreme Court Practice Vol 1 at 50/1 — 9/23 ) .
14 One is led to the conclusion therefore that the husband should convey as beneficial owner ; he is very often conveying the former matrimonial home as part of an agreement whereby the wife releases her rights to further claims for capital , and as such he could be said to be receiving valuable consideration from her and it is established that a vendor selling under compulsion should stand in the same position as a contractual purchaser under an open contract ( see Re King [ 1962 ] 1 WLR 632 and Emmet on Title above ) .
15 Mr Macmillan echoed the same thinking about the H-bomb : ‘ When the tests are completed we shall be in the same position as the United States or Soviet Russia …
16 If , at first , she is able to continue with her career , she is in some respects in the same position as the working wife and mother , who has the strain of two heavy areas of responsibility : her home and her job , but with several important differences .
17 Industrial members , who constitute over half the Institute 's membership , are effectively in the same position as the public as far as the Caparo decision is concerned , since they are involved with other companies ' audited accounts in their capacity of investor or creditor , but their voice is rarely heard and , even then , is ignored .
18 Moreover , he would not be in the same position as the rest of us to cotton on to their use .
19 Let us not forget that players such as Wade Dooley have found themselves in much the same position as the Frenchmen described !
20 Advocates of localization were in the same position as the explorers of the sixteenth century ; they knew there was something out there but they did n't know where it was or what it might look like .
21 He dies lying across his brother 's body , a complicated split screen effect in which Irons was first Elliot , sprawled half-sitting against the wall with a stand-in across his lap , and then Beverly lying in exactly the same position as the stand-in for a matte shot to be inserted in the first image .
22 It strikes me that the whole phenomenon is in the same position as the ecology movement in the early Eighties , when it was associated with people with beards and woolly jumpers who drank Real Ale .
23 ‘ By the Crown Proceedings Act 1947 , the defendants are placed in the same position as the ordinary subjects of the Crown ( see section 21 of the Crown Proceedings Act 1947 ) and I see no reason why they should not in appropriate cases refuse to refund money paid to them voluntarily under a mistake of law , as the revenue authorities were held to be entitled to do in the case of William Whiteley Ltd. v. The King and National Pari-Mutuel Association Ltd. v. The King .
24 One of the most important changes brought about in higher education by the Education Reform Act was the removal of polytechnics from local authority control and their conversion into independent institutions in much the same position as the universities .
25 Fitting a new sink may seem a somewhat daunting task but it need n't be , provided the new sink is going to be in the same position as the old one .
26 After the first eight experiments , a second size 8 nasogastric tube was cemented into the assembly with aspiration holes at the same position as the other size 8 nasogastric tube , and both were connected externally by a Y connector .
27 The money income-less wealth holder is not in the same position as the money income-less street dweller .
28 The covenant in effect places shareholders of an incorporated practice in the same position as the partners in a partnership .
29 If it is a possible view that section 8 is intended to put a 16- or 17-year-old in exactly the same position as an adult and there is thus some ambiguity , although I do not think that there is , it is a permissible aid to construction to seek to ascertain the mischief at which the section is directed .
30 I believe that , if it is established through a proper investigation that a company has been victimising workers for reporting safety concerns , that company — whether it is a contractor or an operator — must be in exactly the same position as an employee who has jeopardised the safety of a platform .
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