Example sentences of "does not matter [pron] " in BNC.

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1 For all practical purposes in traffic it does not matter which gear is engaged and there is never any lack of overtaking power . ’
2 Play and game are used interchangeably — it does not matter which .
3 6 However , this does not mean that it does not matter which of the indices is used as the proxy in estimating the CAPM .
4 It does not matter what happens to the public reputation of John Donne .
5 Instead , we squander our unique position in society and nation by often giving the impression that it does not matter what we believe or how we behave .
6 It does not matter what words are used ( within limits ! ) : it is the calling out that brings the response , not the words .
7 If , however , an ES can ‘ capture ’ the expertise , it does not matter what happens to the expert ; the maintenance staff can consult the ES .
8 ‘ We are going to be here forever and it does not matter what happens in Madrid , ’ said a spokesman for the Jewish settlers .
9 If these ideas are taken together , and if three centuries of physics and chemistry are taken as the model to emulate , it is tempting to suggest that it really does not matter what the actors on the international scene have in their minds .
10 It probably does not matter what title is held by the people who will be dealing with press enquiries , but what does matter is that they should be reasonably au fait with the company and its products .
11 You should learn from this that it does not matter what side you choose for the base as long as you choose the correct Perpendicular height to go with the base .
12 Printers have to consign large quantities of clean paper to waste , and it does not matter what sire they throw out ; accept it if it is available .
13 It does not matter what method of straining is chosen if it can determine A1 since the volume is a representative one .
14 Society should prohibit any firm from having more than 20 per cent of the domestic market ( c ) It does not matter what other governments do ; ours should not get involved in industrial policy .
15 But it does not matter what our opinion is but how the zander feel about this relative to other variables .
16 It does not matter what says here today , you have a job at this moment in time , I 'm asking them to stay in the pits and fight for the right to work those pits .
17 Age does not matter I like reading , travelling , making friends and photography .
18 It does not matter who is aggrieved , the issue belongs to both parties , and the owning , sharing and resolution of the matter brings great strength and sense of purpose to both parties .
19 Your argument presupposes that it does not matter who rules — that things will remain as they are whoever is in power .
20 It does not matter who designed , opposed , supported or acquiesced in the development of welfare state policies — they were all behaving in a manner determined by the logic of capitalism .
21 If we ignore , momentarily , the " " murie wordes of the Hoost to the Shipman " " at the end of the tale , and assume that the narrator of the tale is a woman — it really does not matter who she is — the narrator then becomes a close parallel to the wife within the tale : a wordsmith ; a user of language who combines the sordid matere of carnal indulgence with a gilded linguistic cover .
22 It does n't matter one can have one .
23 In fact , it does n't matter what the thought is , what predicate I ascribe to them , just that they are the object of some kind of thought .
24 I see the whole chapter as a subtle but misconceived footnote to Crime and Punishment ; in these pages , instead of brushing past Raskolnikov and Svidrigailov in his return upon the underground man , Dostoevsky has allowed himself to be obstructed by them , and the result is a Stavrogin who compounds Raskolnikov 's bracing himself to enter the police station ‘ as a man ’ and confess with Svidrigailov 's reaching out in all directions , including the far extremes of moral and physical debauchery , in the hope that something , it does n't matter what , will make him unbored .
25 It does n't matter what the source is , ’ he added .
26 It does n't matter what size the company is , whether it 's in manufacturing or services .
27 If he is n't , it does n't matter what he knows and he can go over my head any day he likes and make the Assistant Commissioner read him the whole report if he wants to .
28 It does n't matter what Miss Morgan 's will says . ’
29 You 're a girl , they 're blokes , they seem to think it 's their duty to comment ; it does n't matter what you 're wearing .
30 It does n't matter what you say — not at this stage .
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