Example sentences of "does not make [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It does not make him docile or lazy , nor does it interfere with his sexual activities .
2 The metaphor does not in itself debase the theatre , and although Shakespeare is using plays and actors to present insincerity or hypocrisy that does not make him or them corrupt : the medium is not the same as the message .
3 It is often said that unfettered insider dealing does not hurt shareholders ; that insiders ' profits are not outsiders ' losses , but rather evidence of a more efficient allocation of resources ; Just because an investor does not make as much money on the sale of his shares as he would otherwise have done , does not make him a victim in the true sense , as nothing has been stolen from him .
4 There is a pouched mouse in Australia , though in this case the resemblance is not so close and it does not make its living in quite the same way .
5 ‘ Just because they are small does not make them less precious .
6 That does not make them quiescent but it does diffuse their conflicts .
7 There is , after all , a long history of wife-beating and of genocide , but that does not make them excusable .
8 That there is a certain amount of confusion and inconsistency in the arguments does not make them less to be feared .
9 There is nothing wrong with being interested in , say , television but that does not make them research social scientists .
10 We should rather refer to economic processes which are constituted in a particular place , which of course does not make them local .
11 ‘ It does not make them nervous , ’ Bloch says .
12 This does not make them invalid : one should merely put them in their appropriate context .
13 These emerged as the movement represented by the Enlightenment itself became more self-critical and less brashly confident in its own rationalism ; but that does not make them any the less significant or challenging for theology .
14 The absence of second-person pronouns may make a poem a ‘ soliloquy ’ , but their presence in poems does not make them ‘ dialogues ’ .
15 It does not make them feel he is one of them ; it merely makes them feel he has no longer any clout .
16 But however effective these arguments may be in political debate , that does not make them necessarily adequate as theoretical explanations of racism .
17 Because they put 3 passes together 4 years ago does not make them a footballing side and they are only making friends now cos they are an easy touch .
18 They have subject limited statutory duties in the insurance companies act , but the fact they 're subjected to duties in the same way that the underwriters , the underwriters are subject to duties does not make them regulators , but in any event even if we were wrong on that there is no exemption under article eighty five , one for regulators and , and your Lordship has seen a number of cases and I sha n't go back to them is fully subject to the competition rules whether as a regulator or not .
19 This does not make their account any less deterministic .
20 It is submitted that the fact that the participants consent to the use of violence against one another does not make their conduct lawful .
21 This stand does not make me blind to the distress others feel or to the disillusionment that this issue causes .
22 ‘ It does not make me happy .
23 Feeling guilty does not make me a better person .
24 Being restricted here does not make me a special case , though .
25 ( I may believe Jesus ' teaching to have been exemplary , or that he was a man singularly in tune with God ; but this , as I would argue , does not make me a Christian . )
26 But again this does not make me a Christian .
27 But that support , which the Nobel committee acknowledges , does not make her a guerrilla .
28 But this does not make her feel less irritated .
29 Making passing references to the poor , the black and to women does not make one a radical or even a liberal .
30 ( This is obviously correct ; one does not make something a business secret by simply describing it as such .
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