Example sentences of "'ll keep the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll keep the money coming .
2 It 's supposed to be in there , and th , that 'll keep the pasta apart .
3 Otherwise he 'll keep the work in house , arid get it done more cost-effectively than by using any sub-contractor .
4 No , I 'll keep the head normal .
5 Then the hairdresser , saying ‘ Now I 'll keep the hair out of your eyes ’ , gave John ‘ what he called a ‘ natural water wave ’ and stuck me with a net and brown cotton wool in my ears under the dryer .
6 If you make the voltage higher , it 'll keep the resistance the same , what happens to the current ?
7 And I 'll keep the dress .
8 ‘ This 'll keep the cold out , Pat .
9 but when ya , when you stand at the front door and er there 's a blower breeze and it 's cold , if you put your hand round the door like that , you can feel a draught , you can feel it colder than the you know and the letter box , the draught but if you take that and put a curtain up , it 'll keep the cold out , you 've stopped the draught so you 're gon na win
10 I 'll keep the boy close by me when we look for the treasure ; then , when we have both ship and treasure , we 'll persuade Jim to join us , and give him some of the treasure for all his help . ’
11 Oh well I 'll keep the insurance company er I w er we will send them a little note in that case , saying look , you know , this is the case , it appears to be an innocent lesion she 's just been finely checked over on the eighth of October , do you feel you can now proceed ?
12 I 'll keep the secret .
13 " We 'll keep the secret , Commander .
14 We 'll keep the secret — "
15 " We 'll keep the secret , Kate .
16 I 'll keep the coffee hot and try to save you a biscuit or two .
17 ‘ But you 'll keep the ring ? ’
18 You 'll keep the street blocked , and if you see any pedestrians wandering about , tell 'em to piss off .
19 that you put it behind a save bush , chop that azalea bush , stick it back there , that 'll keep the broom coming in .
20 Peel the patates for me for the soup , she said : and I 'll keep the pan of choux mixture for you to lick .
21 If I try to sit up , do you promise that you 'll keep the world still ? ’
22 ring me today and say that 's got diarrhoea , he 'll keep the car today but he do n't want it tomorrow can you find someone else who wants it .
23 We 'll keep the mystery going today and then I 'll splash it tomorrow . ’
24 I , I , if nobody 's looking I 'll keep the paper because you can always .
25 I 'll keep the paper , right ?
26 ‘ But we 'll keep the news in the family for now . ’
27 Maybe you do n't want to but it 'll keep the wind off you , and it keeps raining .
28 Looks like he 'll keep the side that won against Woking in the cup on Tuesday night .
29 We 'll keep the party going while you 're gone . ’
30 I 'll keep the fire at a glow for ye comin' in . ’
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