Example sentences of "through a period [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He was born in 1678 , the son of a Dudley locksmith , and progressed to iron working through a period as a brass-founder in Bristol .
2 Traditionally in anthropology , the ethnographer has studied a social system or culture through a period of intensive participant observation in the field .
3 It 's safe to say that every child in every culture will go through a period of saying that the pencil which has been moved up is now longer or bigger or big now .
4 The received BBC wisdom was that young people went through a period of obsession with rock and pop , but that as ‘ sanity and maturity ’ prevailed , they would graduate ‘ like their elders ’ to light , popular music .
5 It 's a nice idea that in business or banking you can go through a period of ‘ consolidation ’ , but it seldom works out that way .
6 ‘ These countries are going to go through a period of not only political but also economic instability for some time to come , ’ he says .
7 From the president down , the policymakers have always appreciated that Germany was bound to go through a period of introversion .
8 While most young male dogs go through a period of excessive sexual behaviour and can be a little too pushy for their own good with older males between the ages of about ten months and two years , they usually calm down and become more sociable with other dogs and less strife to have around the home .
9 We might turn away from our own particular church — we might go through a period of not knowing what we believe in — we might change from being a Catholic to a Buddhist or from a Jehovah 's Witness to an Anglican ; but , no matter how many times we reject religion , we know it will never reject us .
10 The farming industry is passing through a period of profound change ; most farmers recognise that the industry must achieve a better balance with the market and the environment .
11 There are occasions , usually occurring when the weather conditions are near perfect for bream fishing , when you will go through a period of having bite after bite , all looking perfectly hittable in the classic bream style — slow and determined — and when you will become extremely frustrated because you miss every one .
12 Infants go through a period of being completely self-centred .
13 Every teenager goes through a period of deciding who he really is .
14 ‘ I went through a period of seeing myself dead , seeing myself in a coffin and the people at my funeral .
15 Finally , you may expect her to go through a period of depression when she is ceasing to try to avoid the reality of her loss .
16 Reptilian blood systems go through a period of self-adjustment permitting the conservation of heat as required , and allowing the creatures to distribute it when needed .
17 He acknowledges his indebtedness to Tolstoy and maintains that at the time of reading the book he was passing through a period of doubt and scepticism .
18 Whenever we suffer a major loss in our lives — such as the death of a loved one , divorce , redundancy , miscarriage , children leaving home , or the end of a love affair — we need to go through a period of mourning .
19 Spain lived through a period of being isolated from Europe and the rest of the world ; González 's biggest card remains the memory of Franco .
20 The future for financial reporting in New Zealand The New Zealand financial reporting regime is going through a period of radical change
21 Going through a period of artistic training can involve a frightening leap into the unknown — into the ‘ night ’ where one 's carefully constructed notions will dissolve and something much greater , more awesome , take their place .
22 It has to be admitted that the railway has passed through a period of financial difficulty but now appears to be settled and operating a successful service of trains .
23 Many doctors think that it is important for parents to recognize these feelings and to go through a period of mourning for their lost imaginary baby …
24 As well as these individual homework tasks , all clients , whether phobic or non-phobic , carry out the relaxation exercises , and go through a period of self-monitoring of their levels of anxiety .
25 Like Mr Brown , he guided his museum through a period of tremendous growth .
26 Each new teacher is put through a period of what we can call social apprenticeship by the pupils in order to ascertain what sort of person and disciplinarian ( s ) he is going to be .
27 In full plume : 40 years on the throne , 66 next month , Queen Elizabeth II has reigned through two wars , seven prime ministers and Britain joining the EC , and has steered her family — ‘ The Firm ’ as she calls them — through a period of unprecedented social change
28 As a result of two previous visits to London , Boulestin had already gone through a period of serious anglomania which extended even to our food , and an attempt to make his father 's household in Poitiers appreciate the beauty of mint sauce with mutton , the fascination of Sir Kenelm Digby 's Stuart recipes for hydromel and mead , and the anglo-oriental romance of curry as served at Romano 's .
29 From Allexton to Medbourne is only five miles straight across the hills , yet we have passed through a period of some three hundred and fifty years in the history of the landscape .
30 I went through a period of depression erm I 'd been attending the doctor I 'd been told that I was suffering from various illnesses , but nothing helped .
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