Example sentences of "last couple [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Neighbour Peter Bainbridge said last night : ‘ They were the last couple on earth you could imagine this happening to .
2 But with our increased intake of animal fat in the last couple of generations , our bodies ' capacity to adapt has often broken down and the cholesterol level has simply risen higher in many individuals .
3 He started wearing women 's clothes , he started putting on make-up and on the last couple of times that I saw him he was pretty strange .
4 The last couple of times Yanto had seen him before joining the army , it had been touch and go .
5 For the last couple of times , Neil Kinnock has tried to look working class and dropped his aitches , and this year Paddy Ashdown came out in favour of a well-hung parliament and dropped his trousers .
6 Now that idea was to get everybody together and erm because there have been certain members of the staff which have n't been looked at for a period of time they 've escaped the net as it were in the last couple of times and it seems that we 've had the same guys for the last three years and some have erm
7 After the last couple of times , she 's not going to turn up for anything that has my name attached to it .
8 Well I hope she 'll be interested enough to , but , not really before she 's six , cos I asked him last couple of times ago , he said , what sort of age , cos obviously the size of the hands comes into it , they ca n't do too much , but he said he would n't consider before six and you ough t 'a have to take the parents into consideration , of a child that age you got ta have a parent who 's prepared to sit there and make sure the child does what he 's set them to do , because , oh Amy , you not getting any out of that .
9 Everyone , myself included , held their breath as the ball swung the last couple of feet towards the cup and disappeared .
10 Superb ‘ Ray has been superb in the last couple of games , and Steve came in and did a good job .
11 He is ( sort of ) the same type as Dino and i think Wilko will stay with Dino for quite a while yet and little mr Wally-Wally has been doing his things quite good the last couple of games meethinks .
12 ‘ In the last couple of games we have struggled to give them enough ball .
13 ‘ The manager has watched the last couple of games , which has gone in my favour with me doing well .
14 ‘ The manager has watched the last couple of games , which has gone in my favour with me doing well .
15 Maybe the weight itself of thousands of boys over the last couple of decades had led to some sort of subsidence .
16 In the last couple of decades the scale and pace of agricultural developments , and the enormous impact they are having on the nature conservation value of the uplands , has become increasingly obvious .
17 But what has become evident in the last couple of decades in particular is the scale and pace of agricultural developments which have , and continue to , reduce both the nature conservation and landscape values of many of our upland areas .
18 In the last couple of decades the process has been extended to parts of the uplands .
19 Over the last couple of decades , feminists have been rediscovering the pleasures of ‘ sisterhood ’ .
20 In the last couple of decades what 's been called the ‘ human potential ’ movement has gathered impetus .
21 FLACO HAS been involved in some fun collaborations over the last couple of decades — his trembling accordion signature on Ry Cooder 's ‘ He 'll Have To Go ’ and the peppy bits on Dwight Yoakam 's ‘ Streets Of Bakersfield ’ are two good examples .
22 Following the earth sciences revolution within the last couple of decades ( Hallam , 1973 ) it is natural to investigate what relationship , if any , exists between major biogeographic , radiation and extinction episodes and plate tectonics , which appear to have controlled first order events in the physical environment for at least as long as a diverse metazoan fauna became established in the Cambrian , nearly six hundred million years ago .
23 This chapter will show the principal trends in population distribution since the inter-war period , focusing particularly on the last couple of decades .
24 Until the last couple of decades , the understanding of horse behaviour depended more on the insight of sympathetic and thoughtful trainers than on scientific knowledge .
25 The remaining web of streets was due for redevelopment — the standard solution to housing decay in the last couple of decades .
26 For much of the last couple of decades , he has been living in France , where he is accorded a reverence denied him in his native country .
27 But , for a reader coming for the first time to the subject , this can not give a sense of the rightness , diversity and very real differences in feminist art history and criticism over the last couple of decades .
28 She hurried back down to put away the food already in the kitchen , and by the time Penry returned with the last couple of boxes she had a tea-tray waiting , complete with a plate of tempting cakes from the small bakery in Brides Haven .
29 I have in the last couple of lectures erm outlined or tried to outline erm Locke 's basic decision erm his concept of how we as individuals are related to nature , to each other and I 've emphasised the crucial importance of this notion of how we are related to God .
30 Dry weather is always bad news for gardeners and the last couple of summers seem to have put our annual rainfall on par with Arizona !
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