Example sentences of "back to [art] safety " in BNC.

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1 It then turns and pounces on it triumphantly , as if a fish scooped up from a river or stream has been landed on the bank and must be secured before it wriggles its way back to the safety of the water .
2 Rob flew with calculated care , mindful of the lives of his crew and the need to get them back to the safety of the debriefing room and steaming mugs of rum-laced tea .
3 She came back to collect her when she was three but after finding out the toddler was being beaten and burnt , social workers intervened and Natasha was taken back to the safety of the orphanage .
4 But the ‘ mozzies ’ finally won the day and we retreated back to the safety of the ‘ bus ’ to lick our wounds and to hunt out our supplies of insect repellent !
5 A sudden movement or an abrupt noise will send them skittering back to the safety of the water .
6 When the boy gave no answer , the old man took him by the arm and propelled him to the far end of the room , down the narrow stairway , through the tiny door and back to the safety of his own bedroom .
7 She turned swiftly , reaching out to grab the knob of the front door , preparing to wrench it open and make a run for it back to the safety of the village .
8 A vision of the other woman 's mocking green eyes very nearly sent her running back to the safety of her own room , but having come this far she was determined to see this thing through , come what may .
9 For a few minutes they would wander along the rails and then , suddenly , as though seized with panic , they would hasten back to the safety of the group they had left .
10 It was up to her to get herself and the twins out of here , back to the safety of their apartment — and clearly any display of outrage or temperament was only going to delay matters .
11 If she had the sense she 'd been born with she 'd get up from the table right now , wish him a polite good evening , and scuttle back to the safety of the dressing-room , there to make a pledge never to risk being in his company again .
12 He then led them back to the safety of the Allied trenches .
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