Example sentences of "'re [prep] the right " in BNC.

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1 Aston Martin seem sure they 're onto the right thing .
2 Six o'clock is quite normal , and if you 're in the right area , pre-theatre specials are always good value .
3 You know you 're in the right place when the attitude of the locals subtly changes ; as you drive past country kids coming home from school in crisply-pressed uniforms , they shout ‘ white man ’ ! and grin at you .
4 We 're in the right place I suppose ?
5 It depends if you 're in the right place at the wrong time or the wrong place at the right time .
6 ‘ You 're in the right place , then .
7 Now again it 's very difficult to say because jogging will not be any good to you unless you 're in the right condition to do jogging and unless you 've got the right conditions to jog .
8 You got Hi yeah , Himem , EMM , Smart Drive and C , so they 're in the right order .
9 I think the answer to that is , I do n't think you 're in the right job
10 Ever wondered if you 're in the right job : Alloa Athletic 's goalie is called Butter .
11 Well you 're in the right place for that .
12 You can only do it when you 're in the right mood .
13 But again , if you , if you have a little skill and a little experience , you know how to put a story particularly with some visual appeal as opposed to just sound appeal , then there is , if you 're in the right place at the right time you can get in .
14 ‘ Well , you ca n't pick anything up on your radio unless you 're on the right wavelength , can you ? ’
15 ‘ D' you reckon we 're on the right track , Geoff ? ’
16 ‘ Well , you 're on the right road , but I would say you had chosen the wrong day . ’
17 Dr ‘ Patterson ’ … patients here are very much consultant oriented , and no matter how much you may feel you 're on the right lines for treatment , they do expect to go along and see a consultant .
18 Or even more you 're on the right track , yeah .
19 Right , you 're on the right lines .
20 You 're , you 're on the right lines , you 're on the right lines .
21 You 're , you 're on the right lines , you 're on the right lines .
22 Are you sure you are n't treating yourself to easy self-congratulation , seeking approval , making certain you 're on the right side ?
23 ‘ We 're on the right road . ’
24 They 're on the right hand side .
25 ‘ Iris , if we 're on the right lines , Dora must be feeling pretty grim at the moment .
26 ‘ No , but you 're on the right lines .
27 Well I think we 're on the right , on the right side of it .
28 But it looks as though we 're on the right track at last . ’
29 ‘ You 're on the right deck — you 're just on the wrong side of the ship !
30 You 're on the right lines .
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