Example sentences of "'re gon [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We 're gon na be late , ’ said Jackie , hobbling towards the door .
2 But you 're gon na be next if you do n't pull something out by second show Saturday yourself .
3 ‘ You 're gon na be the best lookin' cowboy in the whole parade , ’ his bible-bashing granny tells him when he is a child .
4 When they do a tour , we 're gon na be on the guest list .
5 ‘ Show me someone who has n't done that and I 'll show you someone who 's been so sheltered they 're gon na be dull . ’
6 Now we 're gon na be using acid very very dilute acid .
7 Cos they 're gon na be
8 you know they 're gon na be
9 they 're gon na be summarising them a all the
10 Erm they 're gon na be bushed
11 I think we 've go I think we 've got to get through to the members actually that together as a , we 're gon na be a cohesive force for the benefit of the members .
12 the , the authorities are , or the employers , are gon na gain from the fact that we 're gon na be a new union that at first we 're gon na be trying you know to you know you 've got to walk before you run , have n't we ?
13 the , the authorities are , or the employers , are gon na gain from the fact that we 're gon na be a new union that at first we 're gon na be trying you know to you know you 've got to walk before you run , have n't we ?
14 They 're gon na gain from that or they 're gon na be seeing that they think they gain from that and all you 've got ta get over to the members we 're gon na be a cohesive force and that we 're going , we are going to fight some day together for them .
15 They 're gon na gain from that or they 're gon na be seeing that they think they gain from that and all you 've got ta get over to the members we 're gon na be a cohesive force and that we 're going , we are going to fight some day together for them .
16 Now I would approach it on the lines of here 's your opportunity , it 's not just erm NUPE mind , NALGO 's joining er COHSE 's joining and we 're gon na be one hell of a force .
17 Now you can say to them well we 're gon na be struggling we we well we must be , we 've got three voices .
18 H how would you go to somebody like that and say well yeah we , we 'll be able to negotiate for you better in the future and we might be able to get more er be better conditions of service than you 've got now but as of now you 're gon na be paying this much more in contributions .
19 You 're gon na be a lawyer ?
20 Say if it 's in such a secluded place you know if you 're gon na be there for twenty , er for days , there 's no help
21 I hope you 're gon na be careful what you say . ’ ,
22 You been right this far , and you need the five grand , so you 're gon na be trying real hard .
23 I mean , I really I ca n't see why they 're gon na be treated any different ?
24 So you 're gon na be heading for the sun ?
25 In years to come they 're gon na be the managers so hopefully we can make it better for someone else .
26 You 're gon na be on the road , the number of miles you do is obviously going to put you at risk , more than somebody who does a third of your miles .
27 I 'm gon na be talking , Miss is gon na be talking , but you 're gon na be talking .
28 You 're gon na be struggling yeah .
29 You 're gon na be given
30 That 's what you 're gon na do , you 're gon na be given a pile full of bits of rubble , shells , all sorts , and you 've got to sort them out to different piles .
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