Example sentences of "'re [adv] sort of " in BNC.

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1 So they 're effectively sort of grants and ye in , in that way .
2 I do n't know whether it 's cos they 're so sort of worked up that they 've got no control over what they 're doing but umm .
3 Usually , couple of years and you get , you get erm a promotion , but there 's nothing , and the , the jobs that are coming up they 're erm they 're already sort of la allocated to people been given promotion .
4 They 're just sort of painted on — you know , like black dots .
5 They 're just sort of relics of a time when people experimented with shapes and tried all kinds of different things ; these days instrument makers seem to have settled on making everything the same .
6 But I found at Herald and Post the actual reporters have only been meeting and I 've been sending all the erm all the paper work to Harlow and Bishop 's Stortford , but they 're just sort of the erm , the advertising people so erm , that 's why we 've not had anything in the papers .
7 That 's really all we 're doing we 're just sort of counting how many would we have if we have twelve add twelve .
8 you 're most of the time you 're getting it right cos this is just making the right sort of guess and you 're seeing the sort of When it gets to the awkward ones y you 're just sort of Well maybe it 's that , maybe its something else .
9 I mean if they 're just sort of four foot things I mean it 's not you know I think .
10 Well , I think it 's like everything else , I think that er , with , with Lawrence being off they 're just sort of meeting everything as a crisis and getting , getting
11 Well yes Philip 's a student but they 're just sort of paying , it 's just rented sort of thing but erm
12 yeah yeah we were just , we 're just sort of moving a car length at a time were n't we ?
13 they 're just sort of shooting
14 But it seems to me like it 's passing the buck a bit in the way they 're just sort of taking responsibility
15 I I du n no I I I ca n't work out cos all of Dan 's girlfriends yeah Amber , Sonia and Honey most people have all said I do n't think she 's right for Dan and you know I ca n't I ca n't work out whether they actually think that or they 're just sort of saying that because he does n't talk to them as much or something , I do n't know .
16 erm erm Brian calls us experts at the beginning of the programme erm everyone listening knows we ca n't all be experts of course on all these things , we 're just sort of amateurishly trying to be sensible on these questions .
17 You 're still sort of saying I get a discount really , you 're still saying it 's only going to cost me two hundred a year .
18 ‘ You 're more sort of , I do n't know , hurt . ’
19 We 're more sort of settled down , matured more , I think .
20 I 'm responsible for the sort of overall management , but I tend not to get out as much as say , Area Housing Officers , they 're more sort of at grass roots .
21 And do you know those advert features that they do in the States , they 're like sort of like half hour adverts , like they 're like shows but they 're like an advert
22 And er we 're now sort of waiting to get serious enough .
23 Eleven to twelve , so you 're really sort of moderate preference , it 's not a , it 's not a strong preference a moderate preference and then the pragmatist again that 's quite high very strong preference is seventeen to twenty and again John edge of that .
24 Do you think a lot of people do that , or do you think you 're particularly sort of
25 You 'd 've been better off to have been booked in here for a good night 's sleep and then driven up the next day but then you 're virtually sort of getting up there turning round and coming back are n't you ?
26 really I mean what you 're almost sort of presiding over is a sort of steady decline , really , but on the other hand I think some people think if you can make that as erm as sort of dignified as you can and actually give them sort of support when they actually need it ,
27 and he 's having a punch up with his brother and he keeps letting his brother hit him he 's got this holographic image he , who accompanies him with this fucking computer , and working out what 's going on why they 're there sort of thing cos he goes back in into to different times to help these people out
28 oh yes it 's the er West Worthing Club and do you have a regular , you know , partner you play with , is it er er a doubles match and who would cos you 're then sort of sounding out whether there 's referral business in that one .
29 Receive erm there are there are n't a lot of other words that do have C in well there are but they 're quite sort of awkward words like try deceive .
30 Well you 're either sort of scraping off the ceiling cos you 're as high as a kite
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