Example sentences of "'ve got used [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 've got used to it .
2 Now I 've got used to it he 's changed his mind .
3 ‘ And when I 've got used to all this , how will I use it then ? ’
4 ‘ You know , ’ I said , ‘ I 've got used to the chlorine in this water . ’
5 At one point he said : ‘ I 'm beginning to feel quite at home — I 've got used to mindless shouting from the opposition in the Commons . ’
6 I did n't particularly like the name at first — I got called things like Stew and Stew-Pot at school — but I 've got used to it .
7 ‘ I 've got used to not being able to go out and enjoy the solitude of the garden .
8 ‘ We 've got used to being rich and now we are n't , ’ she went on .
9 On the acquisition front we retained David , Barry and all the staff at Argyll Services on board in September and now that they 've got used to our paperwork they 'll be looking forward to showing us what they can do in 1993 .
10 And you just hammer them the poor old cloth workers they 've got used to me now , they had an awful fit at the time , you ca n't do that .
11 You 've got used to the taste of the good life , have n't you ?
12 ‘ I 'll let you know when I 've got used to it . ’
13 But I suppose you 've like on I suppose you 've got used to it .
14 Now you 've got used to it .
15 I 've got used to doing it now , you know ?
16 And I 've got used to my hair now .
17 So I du n no whether it 's because we 've got used to it
18 Just do n't think about it , I 've got used to it now you know , so I 'm not shy .
19 They were making a couple of days ago , but I think they 've got used to their new home .
20 I know , I mean er I mean yeah I 've got used to her sort of like criticizing everything and everyone in sight cos I mean that 's all she ever does is to criticize and complain .
21 One of the nice aspects of a task such as that is that I think we , as professional physicists — and I 'm a physicist too erm we , as professional physicists , feel there 's a right way of doing something because it 's the way we learnt and we 've got used to , and we tend to instil this idea into other people .
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