Example sentences of "being regarded [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The really worrying thing is that higher education is being regarded as a commodity for sale rather than something that we should invest in .
2 Yesterday , Mr Baron said that strict justice demanded that ‘ the European Parliament can not go on being regarded as a marginal institution , able only to speak but not to take decisions ’ .
3 Interactionist approaches to explaining crime imply that for the purpose of studying such behaviour there is a correlation between being regarded as a criminal and in fact becoming one .
4 At the risk of being regarded as a gardening Miss Marple or Sherlock Holmes , it is a good idea to have a magnifying glass in your pocket when you take a turn around the roses .
5 Credit cards are now being regarded as a more acceptable method of settling accounts as the credit card companies guarantee settlement of the bill up to the credit limit of their clients ( see Chapter 5 ) .
6 Notice that then the symbol a is being asked to play two roles simultaneously , namely as an element of J and as a polynomial in J[x] — unless ( see Fig. 1.1 ) one is prepared to regard J and unc not just as isomorphic but as being one and the same ( that is , identical ) so that J is being regarded as a subset of J[x] .
7 The dispute was being regarded as a trial of strength by the labour movement ( in a nationwide context of increased union militancy ) and the solidarity of all the trades in the printing industry impressed the employers still standing out against the men 's memorial .
8 ( Case 199/82 ) [ 1985 ] 2 C.M.L.R. 658 , which establishes that a person who pays charges levied by a member state contrary to the rules of Community law is entitled to repayment of the charge , such right being regarded as a consequence of , and an adjunct to , the rights conferred on individuals by the Community provisions prohibiting the relevant charges : see paragraph 12 of the judgment of the court , at p. 688 .
9 An intense young woman , passionate about her are — and perhaps less passionate about being regarded as a ‘ portraitist ’ — Sarah kicks out against preconceived notions of current portraiture .
10 He was nevertheless much sought after by the people , his signature on documents , for example , being regarded as a good-luck charm .
11 In other words the traditional concept of the sign as a vehicle or substitute for an idea or a thing can fairly easily be transposed tot he structure of the sign itself , with the signifier being regarded as a substitute for the signified .
12 In the case of such a property not being regarded as a private dwellinghouse , a bank/organisation should notify its interest to an insurer irrespective of the sum insured .
13 Moreover , the fact that characters may be successfully interpreted by means of these linguistic approaches presents a strong case for characterisation once again being regarded as a legitimate object of the critic 's attention .
14 She had liked them being regarded as a family .
15 Yet despite his undoubted success Reid has never really got past the stage of being regarded as a ‘ nearly man ’ a jockey who never quite clicked with the racing public .
16 Sixteen pubs and a nightclub are taking part in the scheme , being regarded as a preventive measure rather than replacing the normal reporting of incidents to the police .
17 In it , Mr Rod Bowman , Bowhill 's managing director , says : ‘ It would seem the facility is being regarded as a model for similar facilities in other parts of the country . ’
18 Dr Roger Pertwee claims it is only a matter of time before marijuana moves from being regarded as a drug of abuse to a substance which can be used positively .
19 The most common offences for both sexes are crimes against property , with shoplifting being regarded as the ‘ typical ’ female offence ( although adolescent males also indulge in this particular form of crime in significantly high numbers ) .
20 This resulted in Finvarra often being regarded as the King of the Underworld and his court as the Company of the Dead .
21 Nearly 1,000 of the world 's 9,700 bird species are threatened with extinction , with the destruction of habitats being regarded as the single most serious threat to their survival ; 43 per cent of the threatened birds live in tropical forests , for example .
22 I , being regarded as the principal guest , was presented with the greatest delicacy , which appeared to be a part of the breast .
23 Until the physical appearance of puberty a girl enjoys the privilege of being regarded as an image of the great Goddess .
24 The Leeward Islands had tried to ignore Carlisle 's lieutenant-governor as early as the 1630s , and when the islands became royal colonies in the 1660s they were treated for a short time as separate communities , with each island being regarded as an individual colony .
25 The emphasis on individualism that House ( 1978 ) observed prevented education in the UK ever being regarded as an agent of social reform to the extent that it was in the United States .
26 ‘ Satisfaction of being regarded as an expert ’
27 Right in the heart of a city that has become accustomed to being regarded as an eyesore .
28 The incident 's being regarded as an opportunist theft and it 's unlikely anything taken would be of any use to a drug abuser .
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