Example sentences of "those aspects of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the case of [ 14 ] we shall need to examine those aspects of style more usually associated with poetic texts .
2 This is not simply a matter of those aspects of women 's sexual lives that are so often cited in evidence as disqualifying women from running the affairs of nations , or even from running a small business : menstruation and premenstrual tension ; conception , pregnancy and childbirth ; lactation and child-care .
3 For the time being these issues will be held in suspense , and the following chapters will examine those aspects of company law which bear on management decision making on the assumption that their aim should be to promote profit maximisation subject only to external legal constraints .
4 He would simply say it refers to all those aspects of things which make them beautiful considered in some , and that , if you think of that as a sort of mental object for a moment , is a very rich one .
5 He would simply say it refers to all those aspects of things which makes them beautiful , considered in sum .
6 These refer to those aspects of beliefs , which may not currently be used in explicit argument to justify one 's own position or to criticize counter-positions , but which possess the potential to be used in future argument .
7 Those aspects of union which are of enduring worth are available to us in a European union .
8 The ritual nature of Sweeney Agonistes emphasizes and encourages the notion of participation in a ritual process , through its use of those aspects of culture in which the people of the period participated most : jazz , music-hall songs , melodrama .
9 The best clues are almost certainly to be found by studying those aspects of brain function which , if they become deranged , could account for the symptoms of psychotic illness , and currently a considerable amount of research is in progress testing out various possibilities .
10 We now analyse those aspects of management and control that relate to particular jobs rather than to the practice as a whole .
11 Cognisance should also be taken be taken by these professionals of the relevance of those aspects of management theory which place considerable weight on the human side of production .
12 The formal methods of teaching , the accent on the ‘ three Rs ’ , had stood me in good stead and in those aspects of school work I was ahead .
13 Modules in other academic courses — Such courses would be one module in duration and would concentrate on those aspects of EP of more direct relevance to the host subject .
14 We shall concentrate briefly on those aspects of Weber 's sociology which have the most obvious relevance to penology .
15 IN theory , November should be the month when career is uppermost on your agenda or , indeed , those aspects of life that constitute your aspirations , if not your dreams .
16 It is important for RE to engage explicitly with those aspects of experience which open up for many people a religious frame of reference .
17 Most voters wish a fraction of the energy expended on internecine warfare between fellow opposition parties could be expended in opposing those aspects of Government policy they feel are detrimental to Scotland 's future .
18 The approach can still be used with much profit when it attempts to emphasize ‘ those aspects of law that it has [ a ] comparative advantage in dealing with . ’
19 Comparison with a doctor 's surgery may bring out those aspects of CAB work that make CAB queues particularly difficult to deal with .
20 But nineteenth-century ‘ Darwinism ’ was not an expression of those aspects of Darwin 's thought which appeal to modern scientists .
21 But all such categorizations are theory-dependent , and on the view that we have adopted for convenience , namely that pragmatics concerns those aspects of meaning and language-structure that can not be captured in a truth-conditional semantics , the grammatical category of deixis will probably be found to straddle the semantics/pragmatics border .
22 Men have kept women out of sport except as helpers for those aspects of club life like dances and teas which were not segregated .
23 The production itself carefully suppresses those aspects of Shakespeare 's play which suggest that Henry 's endeavours are not somehow the shared desires of the nation — most notably it cuts out any mention of the English traitors in Act II .
24 Such a service could act not only as a mediator between users and official agencies , but also deal with those aspects of heroin use that these agencies are unable or unwilling to resolve .
25 Adoption can be seen as the logical answer to infertility , but as Brebner et al ( 1985 ) point out , if medical investigations/treatment for infertility fail and are performed without adequate psychological support , the subsequent depression and disappointment can cause couples to jump at adoption without recognising those aspects of parenthood which are peculiar to adoptive parenthood , which include : having to be assessed and monitored ; absence of pregnancy and birth ; becoming attached to a child born to someone else ; having to tell the child he or she is adopted .
26 The Regional Chairman 's Committee continued to meet regularly and considered those aspects of RIBA policy which were of particular interest to the regions .
27 The Working Party included in its proposals for programmes of study those aspects of media education and IT which contribute most directly to the central aim of English : to widen the range of children 's understanding and use of language , and to develop their skills in it .
28 The title and format might lead the casual observer into expecting just another general text ; but closer inspection reveals that the book assumes some basic knowledge of the subject and then goes on to concentrate on those aspects of geology of most direct relevance to society — seismic and volcanic hazards , landslides , erosion , subsidence , groundwater , and so on .
29 First , it focuses on those aspects of emotion that have to do with prevailing mood , especially changes associated with feelings of depression and elation , though also including other emotional reactions , such as general irritability .
30 Consequently it is neither possible nor appropriate in a book of this kind to analyse all of the issues which currently preoccupy environmentalists-It will be necessary instead to limit our discussion to only those aspects of environmentalism which are immediately relevant to current social changes in rural England .
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