Example sentences of "how he [verb] met " in BNC.

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1 Bill Williams , a journeyman , witnessed how he had met Day in the Barley Mow at Hungerford , and sold him the incriminating tobacco box .
2 Since Rhodes she had known ( since he told her ) how he had met the Flemish woman in Lindos ; and had equally known ( although he had not told her ) that Katelina van Borselen had somehow been persuaded or forced into commerce with him .
3 It should therefore have been aware of the danger that he would try to cover his liabilities from whatever funds he had access to ( Eagle 's funds ) , but that it made no inquiries about the source of the monies or how he had met his obligations .
4 for Linlithgowshire and younger brother to the Earl of Hopetoun , made his attack : Crump surrendered instantly , taking up Hope 's opening words by explaining how he had met Mr Newton , or was it Wilson ? — the honourable gentleman 's Factor in Preston , was it , my dear ?
5 Of how he had met , courted , wed Constance .
6 The farmer explained how he had met the tiger and how , to save his oxen , he had promised the cow in exchange .
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