Example sentences of "how [det] times have " in BNC.

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1 How many times had she watched him do that ?
2 And how many times had she thought how easy it would be to poison him ?
3 How many times had my heart sunk when I asked if we could go somewhere or try something new in our poems and he had answered with the excusing phrase ‘ I guess not ’ ?
4 How many times had she put that on in the privacy of her room and seen the different being it presented , especially when she also donned the leghorn hat .
5 How many times had she heard the phrase that she had just used so easily .
6 How many times had I heard that remark ?
7 How many times had I heard , ‘ This is your home , ’ ‘ These are your sons , ’ ‘ You are my sister , ’ ‘ They are your daughters ’ ?
8 How many times had Tabitha heard , in casual conversation in some dorm , some station bar , from pilots who had found their craft taking a route they had never intended , never charted ?
9 How many times had she heard him tell someone that ?
10 How many times had come down here with Mickey — dead now , killed in the Rising — to watch the trains come steaming in ?
11 How many times had Kate snuck into a school hall , late for some school event , her male driver beside her cringing with embarrassment at the childish antics on stage .
12 How many times had she come to tuck Lizzy in when she had been small ?
13 How many times had she pulled in young girls over the years ?
14 How many times had she said that to people ?
15 How many times had I prayed for the impossible ?
16 How many times had she reached out to him , trying to rouse the passion they used to share ?
17 How many times had he caused this quick , sudden ache in her ?
18 How many times had I told her not to do it ? — to wait .
19 How many times had Charles and her father put her down , discounted her opinions ?
20 How many times has it happened ?
21 How many times has Mummy told you not to wander off like that ? ’
22 Yet how many times has America sided with Israeli aggression against the people of Palestine ?
23 How many times has America used its veto to maintain Israel 's occupation of three Arab countries and to permit the continued killing of men , women , and children in occupied Palestine ?
24 I know I pulled him out once but how many times has he pulled me out !
25 But how many times has a manufacturer of , say , microphones said , ‘ Look at the specification of our new such-and-such ; it beats the Shure SM58 hands down . ’
26 I mean , how many times has someone tried to re-invent the fret ?
27 how many times has this happened to you ?
28 I mean how many times has somebody knocked on your door , Oh I 'm Joe Bloggs I 've come to sell dusters ?
29 How many times has Rocastle played for England ?
30 How many times has one ever had recourse to a term like anadiplosis ?
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