Example sentences of "one in the morning " in BNC.

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1 It is one in the morning before the sun finally disappears and I am left with twilight rather than lowlight .
2 In desperation we dug a hole , a big hole , in the depths of the night — brilliant sunshine at one in the morning — put the radio on full and buried it .
3 It continued from one in the morning till half past five , and left me pale and fainting .
4 She had been woken up at one in the morning by Mr Landor and again at four , and both times he had been abusive , calling her ‘ a bitch as fat and stupid ’ as his wife .
5 I had worked until one in the morning , finishing reports and letters , writing a shopping list , and packing films and tapes .
6 The butchers would open at one in the morning .
7 About one in the morning we went to our cellar to try to sleep a little .
8 The Greens returned home at half-past one in the morning , but were up to welcome the musicians for breakfast on their way further north ; before they left they sang some ‘ excellent glees . ’
9 So , we discussed how to avoid that first one in the morning .
10 He 'd go to clubs at one in the morning .
11 He arrived home at one in the morning .
12 I got very drunk , boarded the wrong tube home and ended up at Heathrow at one in the morning .
13 On the 19th there are two free guided rides — one in the morning , one in the afternoon — in the north-west of Calderdale .
14 And then they wonder why they get beaten up while walking down the street at one in the morning .
15 One had a full-time secretarial job , one had a part-time factory job ( for four hours each morning ) , three did part-time cleaning jobs ( two in the evening , one in the morning ) and one housewife had a Saturday job as a hairdresser 's receptionist .
16 It does indeed get dark at a sensible time so it 's possible to go to bed before about one in the morning .
17 They see a car coming from the direction they 've been told , and remember , it 's after one in the morning .
18 Bring the Colonel 's men there at one in the morning . ’
19 It was one in the morning when the DDA put down the phone and wiped his hands on his pyjamas .
20 And it 's one in the morning , okay ?
21 Ah so you start off start on Wednesday evening and then it 's usually a daily dose and Thursday you can restart your water tablets , once again one in the morning , okay .
22 However , one of our Panda drivers noticed a Mini van parked off the road in Badger 's Cross at about one in the morning .
23 Yeah , just , just keep taking them , one in the morning and one at night ?
24 And if you 're okay , you can carry on taking one in the morning .
25 One in the morning
26 have I to take another one in the morning ?
27 We do n't want the first one in the morning .
28 The first one in the morning often has all sorts of rubbish in .
29 taking them one in the morning and one at teatime and one at bedtime .
30 I think I think if you took one in the morning and then two at bedtime .
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