Example sentences of "her [conj] make [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I wanted to touch her and make her better but I realised I could n't do that .
2 It happened because I was pretty vulnerable at the time and when I came across this lady who I felt sorry for I imagined that I would be able to support her and make her happy .
3 ‘ If I did , how the hell do I find her and make her part with your pendant ? ’
4 What could she say to him except that she felt her life — their life together — slipping away ; that whether she survived or slid wearily from her broken body , there was no longer any prospect of happiness for them ; that he should forget her and make his own world without her ?
5 Offering the meagre purse of local gossip , news from Buttermere , Nicholson spoke about Mr Skelton 's plans for building a large stone manor house in the area ; dwelt longingly on the prospect of Miss Skelton and said something about the wrestling which included a mention of Mary of Buttermere and a young man from the north of the county walking thirty or forty miles just to see her and make his feelings known to her .
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