Example sentences of "her [prep] the shoulder " in BNC.

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1 A sharp blow hit her between the shoulder blades and she wheeled round to see the woman who had spat at her leaning down to pick up another stone .
2 A finger jabbed her between the shoulder blades .
3 For answer he pushed her in the shoulder , and when she almost tipped over the bird cage at her feet his other hand came out and , steadying her , he laughed down into her face as he said , ‘ Sarky little bitch , are n't you ?
4 Someone tapped her on the shoulder then placed a mug as big as a chamber pot beside her .
5 She was taking off her hat and coat as she spoke ; then going over to her aunt , she bent down and kissed her on the cheek , and followed this with the same salutation for her uncle ; and in response he patted her on the shoulder .
6 By ! ’ — he patted her on the shoulder — ‘ that was something .
7 He patted her on the shoulder , then he hugged her , and laughed .
8 But Pappy , who was always so willing to engage with her for hours and talk about school work or play chess , only patted her on the shoulder and fobbed her off with platitudes when the question of her mother came up .
9 Cornered , he resorted to patting her on the shoulder , while across his face flitted the craven smile of a man dealing with an unpredictable pet that yet might turn on him .
10 Bunny noticed Stella 's distress and patted her on the shoulder .
11 A hand touched her on the shoulder .
12 He tapped her on the shoulder and walked away .
13 After a long session trying on clothes , she was walking out with her purchases when a man tapped her on the shoulder and asked her to go back into the shop .
14 He tapped her on the shoulder .
15 He slapped her on the shoulder and performed a jubilant hip wiggle before leaping ludicrously into the air with a triumphant clenched-fist salute .
16 Melissa slid an arm round her and patted her on the shoulder .
17 If you tried to pat her on the shoulder and say ‘ There , there , ’ anything might happen .
18 He simply shrugged , tapped her on the shoulder with his staff , then pointed again at the rajathuks .
19 In his absence she 'd been as nervy as a wildcat , jumping a mile every time someone spoke to her or touched her on the shoulder , expecting him to turn up out of the blue as he 'd made a habit of doing .
20 The merchant 's wife was about to rise but Cranston gently touched her on the shoulder .
21 He released her , held her on the shoulders for a moment and quickly turned away .
22 Bob caught her by the shoulder and used his own to wipe her face , while John turned on the woman and let loose a volley of dismissive French .
23 Scott shot out a hand and grabbed her by the shoulder , spinning her round .
24 He pulled his hand gently from hers , and , still gentle , put his arm around her to hold her by the shoulder .
25 She was awakened some time later by the sound of Fen 's voice and his hand briefly shaking her by the shoulder .
26 He crossed the bridge and seized her by the shoulders , shouting above the noise , ‘ My wife ?
27 He took hold of her by the shoulders and began to shake her with all his strength , forcing her back through the hall towards the staircase .
28 He finished dressing , then came and held her by the shoulders , kissing her lightly on the mouth .
29 Then he saw Carrie turn and look at Mick and Mick take her by the shoulders and look down into her face .
30 He took her by the shoulders and his face was very close to hers .
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