Example sentences of "because it looked [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was no way we could put TI money into the company , we could n't justify doing that to the shareholders because it looked to us as though BA was going to go under .
2 More fundamental — because it looked towards a future international order rather than the waning one — was the critique of NATO and American hegemony that he developed on his return to power and that remained one of the hallmarks of his international policy throughout the 1960s .
3 He 'd caught a glimpse of the two of them reflected in the hall mirror and his heart had lurched because it looked as if he was propping up a corpse .
4 ‘ Everyone wanted to take Sir Edward away , because it looked as if you could n't make it . ’
5 ‘ We came together because it looked as if he was going to try to take my line to the corner .
6 They said in the shop that the men who did it had been pretending to take up paving stones — nobody thought anything because it looked as if they were from the Council . ’
7 Rachel knew , however , there was no point trying to explain that she was merely going with David to see her new friends from Conway House , because it looked as if her mother , together with Nina , Greg and all the others , had jumped to conclusions and were ready to believe that what was a perfectly innocent friendship had developed into something more .
8 He decided to live in Dorset and chose this site ( where an earlier house had been ) , because it looked for all the world as though , when the house was built , it could sail straight out to sea .
9 In Lewis the effect of the decline in the inshore fishing industry was all the more dramatic because it looked for a time as if it might be averted .
10 Miss Bowes said : ‘ There has been an upward trend in rates in the last few weeks because it looked like Labour were going to win .
11 At that point , it could be doing all sorts of weird things , and you 'd think oh , I 've got this wonderful graph and I plotted a lot of points close together , so I know my sketch was right , because it looked like this funny W thing or M or something
12 The sun is just a star , one of many thousands of millions of stars in our own galaxy , which is the milky way , which we see as we look up in the sky on a very dark night , and it was called the milky way by the ancients because it looked like a splash of milk across the sky , but we now know that it 's a flattened system consisting of these thousands of millions of stars .
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