Example sentences of "one [modal v] say [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Broadly speaking , one may say that every child is legitimate which is born during the continuance of a marriage or within due time afterwards .
2 Generally speaking , one may say that apart from dispositions by will , a deed , i.e. a sealed writing , is necessary , though leases in possession for not more than three years at the best rent obtainable without taking a premium may still be made without a deed or even by word of mouth .
3 In conclusion , one may say that in the ritual life of the traditional Hindu woman one can see the ambivalence of the traditional attitude of Hindu society towards its women and their sexuality .
4 One may say that to be an authority on a certain matter is to be an authority about what to believe rather than about what to do .
5 One may say that , if Alexander improved the way he used himself , then anyone can do the same thing .
6 Extending the parallel with heroin one may say that addicts can be cured by the use of external force , and often they have to be , though their co-operation certainly helps .
7 One may say that the wise characters in The Lord of the Rings are often without hope and so near the edge of despair , but they do not succumb .
8 It is clear that , if normativist style has its roots in conservatism and liberalism , similarly one may say that the functionalist style has a certain affinity with a political theory of socialism .
9 One may say that socialist market economy is a contradiction in terms .
10 In Vietnam , other complaints centred on the lack of industrial development , the stranglehold of French companies and , especially , of the Banque de l'lndochine — a consortium of Paris banks which had a monopoly of banking services — but while one may say that the nature of colonial development or colonial repression in itself created the necessary conditions for revolution or national liberation , it is obviously time to consider how these , and other , factors influenced the forms of Vietnamese resistance .
11 In the fashion of the philosophers John Locke and David Hume one may say that one can not live as a total sceptic or one would achieve nothing .
12 In the case of British archaeological remains , if there is some doubt whether a robust brachycephalic skull is of Neolithic or Bronze Age date , one may say that there is a greater likelihood of it being Bronze Age , for most Neolithic individuals were noticeably long-headed , whereas many Bronze Age invaders were very short-headed .
13 In conclusion one may say that the magnate class , and particularly the military captains , were the main beneficiaries , but that the gains of war were often fortuitous and certainly unevenly spread .
14 ( perhaps one should say that as such a psychological statement it would express my awareness that I have the belief rather than my belief that I have the belief , since belief is not quite the right word in this context , but let us leave such qualifications to be understood . )
15 Well first of all I suppose one should say that we do n't just use one computer , we , like lots of other libraries , have got access to a large number of computers , and indeed you 'll find these computers being used elsewhere for the same sort of way .
16 Well , first of all I suppose one should say that we do n't just use one computer , we , like lots of other libraries , have got access to a large number of computers , and indeed you 'll find these computers being used elsewhere for the same sort of work .
17 To meet this point I think one must say that Bentham 's view was , in effect , that a right action must not only do more good than harm , but must also be such that neither the particular good it does , nor any other comparable good which might have substituted for it , could have been achieved at less cost in terms of harm done .
18 One must say that it does so by providing a price sufficient to pay off a debt of sin before God .
19 ‘ Poetry begins , I dare say , with a savage beating a drum in a jungle , and it retains that essential of percussion and rhythm ; hyperbolically one might say that the poet is older than other human beings …
20 One might say that in him an old cultural dream — exoticism — donned progressive clothes .
21 In ordinary parlance one might say that anyone who has been forcibly subjected to this offence has been raped ; the psychological effects are likely to be deep , and even if there is no risk of pregnancy ( as there is not from some rapes , since ejaculation is not part of the definition ) , there may be the risk of disease .
22 One might say that the ‘ candid camera ’ technique used for some television programmes , where people have tricks played on them for the benefit of the viewers , is rather in this mode of observation , though it is to be hoped that social researchers would not encourage people to make fools of themselves in the way television producers do .
23 One might say that in the light of the passage quoted on page 39 there is no endorsement for the neglect of grammar in Wilkins ' proposals either .
24 Tolkien tried the experiment in Treebeard 's farewell , and maybe he failed ; though one might say that the image behind the phrase works well for Fangorn , whose sense of ultimate loss naturally centres on felled trees and barren ground .
25 One might say that when a particular household is confronted by a mystical threat , it dissolves its individual identity into that of a larger social unit whose size is determined by the severity of the threat .
26 Broadly speaking , one might say that , in monarchical law , punishment is a ceremonial of sovereignty ; it uses the ritual marks of the vengeance that it applies to the body of the condemned man ; and it deploys before the eyes of the spectators an effect of terror as intense as it is discontinuous , irregular and always above its own laws , the physical presence of the sovereign and of his power .
27 One might say that it claims that it 's presently raining is a real state of affairs .
28 On the face of it one might say that an upstanding , law-abiding trade should have nothing to fear where this is concerned ; they should simply not deal in masterpieces without a provenance .
29 One might say that the feminist problem is that one can not simply speak of the one nature without the other .
30 In theory one might say that the problems have always been there and we have now just started to recognise them .
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