Example sentences of "may [vb infin] [adv] far " in BNC.

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1 In retrospect , the ending at this point of the long preponderance of Western Europe ( that is to say , Italy , France , southern Germany , Belgium and Spain ) — a preponderance common to the pre-conciliar Church , the Council and even the pontificate of Paul VI — in the affairs of Catholicism and its replacement by a far wider range of geographical influences , may appear as far more significant than any shift from the mildly liberal to the neo-conservative .
2 One of those few is Bruce Dickey , as gramophiles may remember as far back as 1981 from the album of ‘ Virtuoso Ornamentation around 1600 ’ by Schola Cantorum Basiliensis ( Harmonia Mundi , 9/81 — nla ) .
3 The analysis needs to be developed , for example in the treatment of uncertainty , information , and market power , and these factors may have quite far reaching implications for the way in which we view the general equilibrium of the economy .
4 The sounds they produce in their larynx may reach as far up the ultrasonic scale as 200 000 hertz , allowing them to detect objects as tiny as a midget 20 metres away .
5 We may go so far as to suggest that each reader has a " stylistic competence " , analogous to and additional to the " linguistic competence " shared ( according to Chomsky ) by all native speakers of a language .
6 Furthermore , while these " blankouts " may distress other people , the primary sufferer may find them confusing but may go so far in denial as to accuse other people of having faulty memory for the things said or done while he or she was in a " blankout " .
7 Perhaps , too , someone may lack the power to defend his rights , or he may go too far in his own defence .
8 He may go too far for his capabilities and get too tired to walk back safely .
9 In advance of that , however , it can be noted here that as a generalization about the fabliaux , rather than a point to consider in relation to some fabliaux , her claim may go too far .
10 Research studies which may seem quite practical to university people may seem very far removed from reality to practitioners , and research workers who are prepared to learn from the practitioners can often modify their research plans and greatly improve them .
11 The whole issue may seem very far removed from the analysis of discourse and the concerns of the typical language learner .
12 We may question how far these arguments were heeded , given the radical reputation of their proponents .
13 Someone will reach for a tin of fish-paste only to be brought up short by another member of the party reminding them that fish-paste is unclean , while someone else may get as far as the checkout with a year 's supply of baked beans , when , across the crowded shelves of the supermarket , comes a voice reminding them of the danger they are facing .
14 If he is not used to the concept you may need to do some initial explaining , but , once he understands your expectation , he may turn out far better than he imagined !
15 Gentlemen may venture as far as the gun room , but the door at the end of the housekeeper 's corridor prevents an encounter with any but upper servants of their own sex .
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